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单词 harmony
释义 harmony /'hacmani; 'harmani/ n (pl -nies) 1 [U] agreement (of feeling, interests, opinions, etc): (感情,兴趣,意见等的) 和睦; 一致: There was not much ~ in international affairs during those years. 那些年国际间的事务不太和谐。 be in ~ (with), match; agree (with): 相配; (与致: His tastes are in ~ with mine. 他的爱好与我的相同。 2 [C, U] (instance or example of) pleasing combination of related things: 调和; 协调: the ~ of colour in nature, eg the greens, browns, etc of trees in autumn. 自然界色彩的协调 (例如秋季树木之绿色,褐色等) 。 3[C, U] (music) pleasing combination of notes sounded together to make chords. (告乐) 和声学; 和声。




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