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单词 hard
释义 hard1 /had; hard/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (contrasted with soft) '( 与 soft 相对) firm; not yielding to the touch; not easily cut; solid: 坚硬的; 坚固的: as ~ as rock; 坚硬如菖石; ground made ~ by frost. 冻硬的土地。 Teak is a ~ kind of wood. 柚木是一福坚亘的木材。 a ~ nut to crack, (fig) a difficult problem; person difficult to deal with or influence. (喻)难题; 难以对付或接受影响的人。 2 (contrasted with easy) (与 easy 相对) difficult (to understand or explain); needing mental or moral effort: 难以了解或解释的; 困难的 . ~ words, difficult for learners, (also 4below); 难解释的字; 难字(参看下列第 4 义); a ~ problem/book/language; 困龟的问题(书,语言); a subject that is ~ to understand. 难了解而课题。 S/te found it ~ to make up her mind. 以下决心。 That man is ~ to please/He is a ~ man to please. 那人(他) 是个难以取悦的人。 It's ~ to say which is better. 很难说那一个较好。 It's ~ for an old man to change his way of living. 老年人难以变更他的生活方式。 3 causing unhappiness, discomfort, or pain; difficult to endure: 引起不快,不适或痛苦的; 难以忍受的: have/be given a ~ time, experience difficulties, misfortunes, etc; 经历一段困舍的日子; these ~ times, in these times of money shortage, unemployment, etc when life is difficult. 值此困苦时期(缺钱,失业等生活困苦时期)。 (find sth) ~ going, (find progress) difficult. (觉得某事)很难进 fjo (find sb) ~ going, (find him) difficult (to understand), or boring (to listen to) (觉得某人)很难了解,言谈乏味。 learn (sth) the ~ way, with perseverance and hardship. 眼苦地学习。 4 severe; harsh: 严厉的; 苛刻的: a ~ father, one who treats his children severely; 严父; ~ words, harsh, showing lack of sympathy. 严厉的言语。 be ~ on sb, treat him severely. 对某人严厉。 drive a ~ bargain, → bargain, take a ~ line, be uncompromising. 不妥协。 Hence, 由此产生, i' 'liner n person who is uncompromising. 不妥协的人。 line'(21). 5 (of the body) having ~ muscles and not much fat: (指身体)结依的 .Regular physical exercises soon made the boys ~. 经常的运动不久便使那些男孩的身体结实了。 as ~ as nails, a strong and muscular. 强健的。 b (fig) without sentiment, or sympathy; ~-hearted. (喻) 没有感情的; 硬心肠的。 6 done, doing (sth), with much effort or force; strenuous: 辛苦的; 费力的; 猛烈的: a ~ blow; 重击; go for a ~ gallop; 虫骑一阵快马; a ~ worker. 辛苦的工作者。 7 (of the weather) severe: (指天气) 酷烈的: a ~ winter/ frost. 严冬 (寒) 。 8 (of sounds) (指声音) The letter c' is hard in 'cat' and soft in 'city'. 季母 'c ,在 'cat' 一字中是硬音,在 'city' 一字中是软音。 The letter W is ~ in 'gun' and soft in 'gin'. 字母 'g' 在,gun' 一字中是硬音,在 'gin' 一字中是软音。 9 (various uses) (各种用 ~ and fast (rules, etc), that cannot be altered to fit special cases. 不许变更的; 严格的 (规则等) 。 ~ of hearing, rather deaf. 重听; 听力不好 back/ cover n book bound in a ~ (= stiff) cover (contrasted with paper-backed books): 精装书 (硬书皮装订,与平装书相曲): The book has just appeared in ~ back. 这书刚有精装本出版。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~ .backed / covered / bound adj. '~board /-bo: d; -bord/ n [U] kind of material like plywood in appearance and use, made by compressing waste wood that has been ground up finely. 高压板 (由木屑哒成,外观与用途都很像夹板) 。 ~ 'cash n [U] coins and notes, not a cheque or a promise to pay. 现金; 现款。 ~ core n a broken brick, rubble, etc (as used for foundations, roadmaking). (作为地基,路基用的) 碎传、碎石等。 b solid central, basic or underlying part; nucleus: 坚实的中心,基底或底层; 核心: the ~ core of the opposition/rebellion. 反对党 (叛党) 的中坚分子。 ' ~ court n (tennis) court with a ~ surface, not of grass. (网球) 硬地球场 (非草地, ~ 'currency n one that is reliable and stable. 引多稳定之货币。 i ~ 'drug n one likely to lead to addiction, eg heroin. 麻醉药 (例如海洛英) 。, ~- 1 headed /'hedid; 'htdid/ adj practical; not sentimental; business-like. 讲求实际的; 不感情用事的; 实事求是的。 i ~- 'hearted /'hatid; 'hartid/ adj unfeeling; lacking in sympathy or the gentler emotions. 无情的; 硬心阳的。 l 'labour n [U] imprisonment with ~ physical labour as a punishment. 劳役; 苫役。 'liquor/'drink n [U] with high alcoholic content eg whisky. 烈酒 (酒精成分多的,例如威士忌) 。 i ~ 'luck/'lines n [U] worse fortune than is deserved. 倒霉。 Hence, 由此产生, ,~-'luck story, one seeking pity, sympathy (for oneself). (用以取得怜悯、同情等的) 倒霉事。 ~ 'shoulder n ~ surface 'at the side of a motorway, to be used in an emergency: 高速公路之路侧 (紧急情况时使用): The lorry driver pulled over to the ~ shoulder when one of the tyres burst. 有一个轮胎爆裂, 卡车司机连忙把车开到高菠公路的路侧。 l standing n [U] area of ~ surface, eg, concrete, for the parking of vehicles. 硬地面 (例如由混凝土铺成可停放车辅者) 。 '~top n car with a steel top and no sliding roof. 有固定金属顶篷 (非活动顶篷) 之汽车。 '~ware n [U] a ironmongery; metal goods for domestic use, eg Pans, nails, locks. 铁器类; 五金类 (如锅,钉,锁等) 。 (b) military ~ wore, weapons and equipment, eg armoured vehicles. 武器和装备 (例如装甲车辆) 。 c computer ~ uwe, mechanical equipment (contrasted with information and programmes, called software). 计算机硬体 (与称作 software 之资讯及程式相对) 。 'water n [U] containing mineral salts that interfere with the lathering of soap. 硬水 (含有干扰肥皂起泡之矿盐) 。 '~wood n [U]~ heavy wood, eg oak, ebony, teak, contrasted with soft wood, eg pine, fir. 硬材 (例如橡木,乌木,柚木,与松木,椎木等软木相对): (attrib) (形容用法) ~ wood floors. 硬木地板。 ~ness n




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