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(难为情; 不好意思) shy; bashful: 怕 ~ feel bashful; 她 ~ 红了脸。 She blushed with [for] shame. 她有点害 ~。 She is rather bashful. Ⅱ ❶ (羞耻) shame; disgrace: 恼 ~ 成怒 get angry from shame; 遮 ~ conceal [hide] one's shame
❷ (滋味好的食物) delicacy; dainty Ⅲ ❶ (感到耻辱) feel ashamed: ~ 与为伍 consider it beneath one to associate with sb.
❷ (使难为情) shame: ~ 得某人无地自容 shame a person to death
◆羞不敢答 be too ashamed to attempt to reply; 羞惭满面 be overwhelmed with shame; Shame suffused [covered] one's face.; The flush of shame spread over one's face.; 羞惭无地 be almost too ashamed to show one's face; 羞耻 ashamed; sense of shame; shame; 羞答答 coy; shy; bashful; 羞刀难入鞘 What is done cannot be undone.; A drawn sword cannot be put back into the scabbard.; A thing once begun will not be put off until done.; Once it is started, go through with it.; Over shoes, over boots.羞得脸红 Shame flushed one's cheeks.; 羞愤 ashamed and resentful; 羞愤成疾 Shame and rage alternately took possession of (him) till (he) fell ill.; 羞愤交加[集] be overwhelmed with shame and rage [resentment]; be torn between rage and shame; with mingled shame and resentment; 羞恨交集 Shame and resentment [hatred] mingled.; with mingled shame and resentment; 羞花闭月 so beautiful as to cause the flowers to blush and the moon to hide — an incomparable beauty; 羞见江东父老 be ashamed to return after defeat and be unwilling to face one's fellow-countrymen; 羞口难开 be too embarrassed [shy] to speak (out); be too embarrassed to say anything to sb.; too embarrassing to say it; 羞愧 ashamed; abashed; 羞愧不安 feel ashamed and be ill at ease; 羞愧难当 feel terribly ashamed; embarrassed beyond words; 羞愧难言 be ashamed beyond words; 羞面见人 feel ashamed to see others; 羞赧 [书] blushed because of shyness; 羞怩 embarrassed; bashful; 羞怯 shy; timid; sheepish; abash; diffidence; 羞人 feel embarrassed or ashamed; 羞人答答 flush with embarrassment; very shy; bashful about; terribly embarrassed or bashful; 羞辱 shame; dishonour; humiliation; humiliate; put sb. to shame; subject sb. to indignities; 羞涩 shy; bashful; embarrassed; 羞涩阮囊 utterly broke; embarrassingly short of money; lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses; with no money in the purse; 羞煞人也 shame one to death; 羞手羞脚 timid; dare not move; 羞为人师 ashamed to be called a teacher; 羞恶 [书] be ashamed of evil deeds; 羞恶之心 a sense of shame; feeling of shame; moral sense; 羞羞答答 (very) shy; coy; bashful; as shy as Daphne; shamefaced; 羞于启齿 be too shy to speak out; be not able to talk because of shyness; The cat got one's tongue.; too embarrassing to say it; 羞与哙[为]伍 be [feel] ashamed to associate with sb.; ashamed to be in the same rank with sb.; ashamed to be seen in the same company; ashamed to be sb.'s colleague [friend]; feel ashamed of being sb.'s companion; think it beneath one to associate with sb.





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