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单词 美国


United States; United States of America;US;USA;America;the States
研究~政府政策的专家Americannologist /~参议院外交委员会US Senate Foreign Relations Committee/~第一夫人(谐称“富娄图司”)First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS)/~电话电报公司American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (AT&T)/~对外政策机构foreign policy bureaucracy/~《独立宣言》Declaration of (American) Independence (signed on July 4,1776,one year after the breakout of the War of Independence)/~独立战争American War of Independence—American Revolution (1775-1783) in which the American colonists won independence from British rule/~广播公司 American Broadcasting Corporation(ABC)/~国会US Congress/~国际集团American International Group/~国务院Department of State; State Department;State/~航空航天局US National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)/~航空航天学会American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)/~进出口银行ExportImport Bank of the United States /~军备和裁军署US arms Control & Disarmament Agency/~劳工联合会American Federation of Labor(AFL)—established in 1886,now called AFL-CIO (American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations(劳联-产联)/~佬Yankee/~联合国协会United Nations Association of the United States/~联合通讯社(美联社)The Associated Press(AP)/~南北战争American Civil War—between the northern Union and the Confederate South,1861—1865/~联邦调查局(American)Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)/~联邦储备委员会US Federal Reserve Board/~联邦储备银行(American)Federal Reserve Bank/~商会American Chamber of Commerce/~式的和平Pax Americana[拉](美国支配下的和平)/~无线电公司Radio Corporation of America (RCA)/~新闻处 United States Information Service (USIS)/~新闻署US Information Agency/~新闻与世界报道US News and World Report/~运通公司American Express Company/~运通信用卡American Express(credit)card/~在台湾协会 American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)/~证券交易委员会US Securities and Exchange Commission/~之音Voice of America(VOA)/~中央情报局Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)/~众议院US House of Representatives/~驻华军事代表团(旧)Army Mission in Chungking/~志愿航空队(旧)American Volunteer Group(AVG)/~总统(谐称“泼图司”)President of the United States (POTUS)





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