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单词 置之度外

置之度外zhì zhī dù wài

banish (/dismiss) fromone’s mind; be indifferent about (/to); completely forget; disregard entirely; give no thought to; have no regard for; leave out of consideration (/account); never think of; not care a bit for; not take into account (/consideration)
❍ 贾琏只顾贪图二姐美色,听了贾蓉一篇话,遂为计出万全,将现今身上有服,并停妻再娶,严父妒妻,种种不妥之处,皆~了。(《红楼梦》837) Jia Lian was so infatuated by Second Sister’s beauty that he felt Jia Rong’s plan was foolproof,completely forgetting that he was in mourning and how inappropriate it was to have a concubine outside when he had a stern father and jealous wife at home.
❍ 随在他背后的大天王高见被迫来见闯王,虽然竭力想把生死~,不在众人面前流露出内心恐惧,但是不行,愈走近闯王的老营愈是面如死灰、两腿瘫软打颤,象犯人被拖上杀场一样。(姚雪垠《李自成》 I—236) Gao Jian who had followed him most un willingly,though he tried to dismiss the thought of death from his mind,could not hide his fear—the closer he came to headquarters,the greater his dread.His face had turned ashen and his legs were trembling like those of a felon being marched to the execution ground.
❍ 但是,周总理仍然经常外出,参加各种活动,同各国领导人进行了大量的接触,把个人安危完全~。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—230) But Premier Zhou,disregarding personal safety,frequently went out to take part in various functions and made many contacts with the leaders of the participating countries.
❍ 党外存在着很多的人材,共产党不能把他们~。(《毛泽东选集》492) There are many capable people outside the Party whom we must not ignore.
❍ 为了我们的事业,我已将生死~,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》35) For the sake of our cause,I’ve never worried about life and death.
❍ 他的精神,现在只在一个包上,仿佛抱着一个十世单传的婴儿,别的事情,都已~了。(《鲁迅选集》上—17) His whole mind was on the package,which he carried as carefully as if it were the sole heir to an ancient house.Nothin gelse mattered now.


give no thought to;have no regard for
把生死~face death with equanimity/个人安危~be regardless of one’s personal safety

置之度外zhì zhī dù wài

度:考虑,计算。把它放在考虑之外。指不把它放在心上。have no regard for, not to care a bit for, cast out of one’s mind





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