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单词 置之不理

置之不理zhì zhī bù lǐ

disregard ; do nothing in response to; ignore; not care a tinker’s damn; pass it by; pass it over in silence; pay no attention (/regard) to sth; put it on the shelf; set (/brush)sth aside; shut (/close) one’s eyes to; turn a deaf ear to; turn the cold shoulder to
❍ 他是 ‘聚众滋事,惑乱税收’。不能~! (梁斌《红旗谱》 297) He’s guilty of‘inciting men to obstruct the collection of taxes.’ You can’t disregard him!/那种独断专行,把同盟者~的态度,是不对的。(《毛泽东选集》492) It is wrong to indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions and to ignore our allies.


ignore;pay no attention(or heed)to;remain indifferent to;brush aside
对这样的挑衅行动,中国人民不能~。The Chinese people cannot remain indifferent to such provocations./对安理会成员的批评~ignored(or paid no attention to)the criticisms from the Council members.

置之不理zhì zhī bù lǐ

放在那儿不加理睬。ignore, brush aside, leave alone, shut one’s eyes to, fob off, ride over





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