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单词 罪上加罪

罪上加罪zuì shàng jiā zuì

add crime to crime;add sin to sin;doubly guilty
❍ 本来九龙汇就该判决你,谁知今天你又来为非作恶,~。(曲波《林海雪原》307)We should have executed you at Nine-Dragon Confluence,but we were lenient. Who knew that today you would repay our kindness by adding crime to crime.
❍ 菩萨道: “你在天有罪,既贬下来,今又这等伤生,正所谓~。……”(《西游记》100) “Because of your sin in Heaven,” said the Bodhisattva,“you were banished. Yet the slaying of life in your present manner can surely be said to be adding sin to sin.…”/如果还要干土匪的话,不久咱们还要见面。那时你们可是~,可别后悔。(曲波《林海雪原》476) If you still want to be bandits,before long we’ll meet again.Don’t complain then if your crime is considered double.

罪上加罪zuì shànɡ jiā zuì

使罪恶更加严重。be doubly guilty, add sin to sin, add crime to crime, commit crime upon crime





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:31:03