罪1.注释: 1)圣经里所说的信仰方面的“罪”,不同于世上各种法律条文中所说的罪。“犯罪”的希伯来文原意是“失败”,“失迷方向”,“失误目标”,圣经认为:只要违背神的话,就会“失败”,就会“失迷方向”,就会“失误目标”,也就是“犯罪”。 2)有些罪是表现在生活行为上的,例如偷窃、奸淫等等。但有些罪是隐藏在心思意念中的,例如贪心、淫念等等。但任何罪恶,无论或隐或现,神都要鉴察审判。而罪的工价就是死。 3)创世记曾记述,始祖亚当、夏娃背离了神的命令犯了罪,罪就从一人入了世界。耶稣降世,为世人流血赎罪,乃是神惟一的对世人的救赎方法。 2.圣经记载: 1)罪的定义: ❶“凡犯罪的,就是违背律法。违背律法就是罪。”(约一3:4)
❷“信他的人,不被定罪,不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信神独生子(耶稣)的名。”(约3:18) 2)罪的来源: ❶“但各人被试探,乃是被自已的私欲牵引诱惑的。私欲既怀了胎,就生出罪来,罪既长成,就生出死来。”(雅1:14—15)
❷“这就如罪是从一人入了世界,死又是从罪来的。于是死就临到众人,因为众人都犯了罪。”(罗5:12) 3)圣经中列举的罪: ❶在出20:3—17的十条诫命中,显示出违背诫命的各种罪恶:不敬奉独一的神,拜偶像,妄称神的名,不守圣日,不孝敬父母,杀人,奸淫,偷窃,作假见证,贪心。
❼可7:20—23提到的几种罪恶:恶念,嫉妒,狂妄。 罪[辠]zuìⅠ ❶ (犯法的行为) crime; guilt: 犯 ~ commit crime; 坦白认 ~ confess one's guilt; 判 ~ condemn; pass sentence; 重 ~ felony; 轻 ~ misdemeanour ❷ (过失) fault; misconduct; blame; wrongdoing: 请 ~ ask sb. for pardon; 恕 ~ pardon an offence; forgive a sin; 归 ~ 于人 lay the blame on others ❸ (苦难; 痛苦) hardship; suffering; agony; pain: 遭 ~ suffer all kinds of hardships; 受 ~ endure suffering; suffer mental agony or physical pain; have a hard time Ⅱ (把罪过归到某人身上) put the blame on; blame: ~ 己 blame oneself for wrongdoing; take the blame on oneself ◆罪案 details of a criminal case; criminal case; case; 罪不容诛 A thousand deaths will not atone for one's crime.; a hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment; 罪大恶极 commit the most heinous crimes; a crime of the blackest dye; a mortal sin; be guilty of terrible [the most heinous] crimes; being guilty of a capital crime; heinous [atrocious] crimes; 罪恶 crime; evil; 罪恶昭彰 flagrant offenses [crimes]; have committed flagrant crimes; One's sins are known to all.; openly and obviously wicked; 罪犯 criminal; offender; cul ̄ prit; 罪该万死 be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths; be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone; be very guilty and deserve death; Death is not sufficient for such a crime.; hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment; The crime deserves a myriad deaths.; 罪过 fault; offence; sin; [谦] thanks, but this is really more than I deserve; 罪魁 chief criminal [culprit; offender]; arch-criminal; 罪戾 [书] crime; evil; sin; 罪名 charge; accusation; 罪孽 wrongdoing that brings retribution; sin; evil; 罪愆 [书] offence; sin; 罪人 guilty person; offender; sinner; 罪行 crime; guilt; offence; 罪尤 [书] fault; offence; 罪有应得 deserve one's punishment; be a proper punishment for one's bad behaviour; get one's just deserts; He got the punishment he deserved.; It serves him right.; It serves one perfectly right.; 罪责 responsibility for an offence; 罪证 evidence of a crime; proof of one's guilt; 罪状 facts about a crime; charges in an indictment |