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单词 网漏吞舟

网漏吞舟wǎng lòu tūn zhōu

the meshes of the law are so large that a whale could slip through
❍ 汉兴, 破觚而为圜, 雕而为朴, 网漏于吞舟之鱼, 而吏治烝蒸,不至于姦,黎民艾安。(《史记·酷吏列传》) At the start of the Han Dynasty,smoothness was preferred to sharp angles,simplicity to ornamentation. A whale could have slipped through the net of the law! Yet the law officers were honest and uncorrupted,while the people lived in peace.

网漏吞舟wang lou tun zhou

the meshes of the net are so large that a whale could slip through—the laws are too lax

网漏吞舟wǎnɡ lòu tūn zhōu

网眼太大,把能吞船的大鱼漏掉了。比喻法令太宽,致使坏人漏网。the decrees is so wide that evildoers escape, the meshes of the law are so large that a whale could slip through





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