❶staffing matrix;establishment;authorized strength;authoriged size;staff size;organizational structure
实现政府职责、机构和~的科学化、规范化和法定化put the responsibilities,size of government and organizational structure on a scientific,standard and legal basis /严格控制~bring the staff size under strict control/缩小~ cut down the staff size/~不足be understaffed/~国家中长期科学和技术发展规划formulate a medium-and long-range state plan for developing science and technolgy
超编 be overstaffed
在编职工 staff on the regular payroll
编内 instaff;personnel on the permanent staff(or on the regular payroll)
编外人员 off-staff;personnel outside the staffing plan;those outside the authorized personal quota
中央编制办 Central Office for Staffing Matrix