释义 |
维妙维肖惟妙惟肖wéi miào wéi xiàoabsolutely lifelike; be remarkably (/strikingly) true to life; be the very image of sb; in facsimile ❍ 大殿右侧一块石碑上,刻有一个观音佛像,刀力雄劲,线条流畅,人物造型和衣饰装束,都刻画得~。On the right side of the hall stands a stone tablet bearing a sculpture of the Goddess of Mercy. Gracefully executed,the features and dress of the goddess are all remarkably true to life. ❍ 他跟前总统亦步亦趋,~,不愧是前总统衣钵的继承者。Following in the former president’s footsteps,he is his very image and worthy succes sor. ❍ 她~地学着蒋介石的声调,神色和她那美丽轻盈的姿态一对比,逗的满屋子人又是一阵哄堂大笑。(杨沫《青春之歌》101) Liping’s vivid take-off of Chiang Kai shek formed such a striking contrast to her own grace and charm that her guests started laughing uproariously. |