释义 |
维(維)wéiⅠ ❶ (连接) tie up; hold together; link: ~ 系 hold together; maintain ❷ (保持; 保全) maintain; safeguard; preserve; keep: ~ 护 safeguard; defend; uphold Ⅱ ❶ (思想) thinking; thought: 思 ~ thought ❷ {数} (构成空间的每一个因素) dimension: 三 ~ 空间 three- dimensional space ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 炜 Wei Wei ◆维持 keep; maintain; preserve; hold; 维持不敝 carry on without being destroyed; preserve to avoid being worn-out; 维持和平部队 peace-keeping force; 维多利亚 Victoria; 维耳姆斯瘤 {医} nephroblastoma; Wilms' tumor; 维尔京群岛 the Virgin Islands; 维古洛印花 {纺} vigoureux printing; 维护 safeguard; defend; uphold; keep; maintain; upkeep; 维护费 sums of maintenance; 维护工程师 service engineer; 维护用词典 maintenance dictionary; 维护用通信 communication for conservation; 维纶 {纺} polyvinyl alcohol fibre; 维棉 {纺} vinylon and cotton blend; 维妙维肖 remarkably true to life; absolutely lifelike; 维尼纶[龙] {纺} vinylon; 维生食物 vitagen; 维生素 vitamin(e); auxohormome; nutramin(e); 维生素A vitamin A; axcrophthol; biosterol; 维生素B缺乏病 vitamin B deficiency; 维生素B1 vitamin B1; thiamine; catatorulin;oryzanin; aneurin; 维生素B2 vitamin B2; riboflavin; ovoflavin; lactochrome; lactoconium; lactoflavin; 维数 {数} dimension; dimensional ̄ ity; 维他命 vitamin(e); 维维拉琴 vihuela; 维吾尔语 Uighur; Uigur; 维吾尔族 the Uygur [Uighur] nationality, living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; 维系 hold together; maintain; keep up; retain; 维新 reform; modernization; 维修 keep in (good) repair; service; maintain |