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单词 统计学

统计学tǒnɡ jì xuéStatistics

F分配 [F fēn pèi] F distribution
F检定 [F jiǎn dìnɡ] F test
白努利分配 [bái nǔ lì fēn pèi] Bernoulli distribution
贝他分配 [bèi tā fēn pèi] Beta distribution
贝贻法则 [bèi yí fǎ zé] Bayers’ law
比较检验法 [bǐ jiào jiǎn yàn fǎ] comparison test
比例分配 [bǐ lì fēn pèi] distribution of proportions
比率检定 [bǐ lǜ jiǎn dìnɡ] ratio test
边际机率 [biān jì jī lǜ] marginal probability
变方 [biàn fānɡ] variance square
变异 [biàn yì] variate transformation
变异数分析 [biàn yì shù fēn xī] analysis of variance
变异系数 [biàn yì xì shù] coefficient of variation
标准常态分配 [biāo zhǔn chánɡ tài fēn pèi] standard normal distribution
摒弃域 [bìnɡ qì yù] zone of rejection
卜瓦松分配 [bǔ wǎ sōnɡ fēn pèi] Poisson distribution
补集 [bǔ jí] complement
不良品数 [bù liánɡ pǐn shù] defective quantity
不偏信赖区间 [bù piān xìn lài qū jiān] unbiassed confidence interval
差集 [chā jí] difference
常态对等离差 [chánɡ tài duì děnɡ lí chā] normal equivalent deviate (NED)
常态分配 [chánɡ tài fēn pèi] normal distribution
常态离势 [chánɡ tài lí shì] normal dispersion
超几何分配 [chāo jǐ hé fēn pèi] hypergeometric distribution
成对差异 [chénɡ duì chā yì] pair difference
承认域 [chénɡ rèn yù] zone of acceptance; acceptance region
抽样成本 [chōu yànɡ chénɡ běn] cost of sampling
抽样精度 [chōu yànɡ jīnɡ dù] sampling precision
抽样统计 [chōu yànɡ tǒnɡ jì] sampling statistics
出版统计 [chū bǎn tǒnɡ jì] Publication Statistics
传统统计力学 [chuán tǒnɡ tǒnɡ jì lì xué] classical statistical mechanics
纯理统计 [chún lǐ tǒnɡ jì] pure statistics
大数法则 [dà shù fǎ zé] law of large numbers
单变量统计 [dān biàn liànɡ tǒnɡ jì] single variate statistics
单独事件 [dān dú shì jiàn] separate event
单位缺点数 [dān wèi quē diǎn shù] number of defects per unit
等待线问题 [děnɡ dài xiàn wèn tí] queuing problem
等级顺序统计量 [děnɡ jí shùn xù tǒnɡ jì liànɡ] rank-order statistics
等势 [děnɡ shì] equivalent
点估计 [diǎn ɡū jì] point estimation
电报统计 [diàn bào tǒnɡ jì] telegraph statistics
电话统计 [diàn huà tǒnɡ jì] telephone statistics
定义域 [dìnɡ yì yù] domain
动差母函数 [dònɡ chā mǔ hán shù] moment generating function (MGF)
动态统计学 [dònɡ tài tǒnɡ jì xué] dynamic statistics
独立事件 [dú lì shì jiàn] independent event
对称中心 [duì chèn zhōnɡ xīn] center of symmetry
对等 [duì děnɡ] equivalent
对立假设 [duì lì jiǎ shè] alternative hypothesis
多阶抽样 [duō jiē chōu yànɡ] multi-stage sampling
多维常态回归理论 [duō wéi chánɡ tài huí ɡuī lǐ lùn] multidimensional normal regression theory
二次统计数 [èr cì tǒnɡ jì shù] quadratic statistics
二项分配 [èr xiànɡ fēn pèi] binomial distribution
二项分配系数 [èr xiànɡ fēn pèi xì shù] coefficient of binomial distribution
二元分配 [èr yuán fēn pèi] bivariate distribution
犯罪统计 [fàn zuì tǒnɡ jì] statistics of crime
菲利浦标准抽样制度 [fēi lì pǔ biāo zhǔn chōu yànɡ zhì dù] Philip’s standard sampling system
分类统计 [fēn lèi tǒnɡ jì] classification statistics
分类原则 [fēn lèi yuán zé] principle of classification
分离法则 [fēn lí fǎ zé] law of segregation
分配函数 [fēn pèi hán shù] distribution function
风险因素 [fēnɡ xiǎn yīn sù] risk factor
辅助统计量 [fǔ zhù tǒnɡ jì liànɡ] auxiliary statistics
高估 [ɡāo ɡū] overestimation
高斯分布 [ɡāo sī fēn bù] Gaussian distribution
工业统计学 [ɡōnɡ yè tǒnɡ jì xué] industrial statistics
工资统计 [ɡōnɡ zī tǒnɡ jì] wage statistics
共变异数 [ɡònɡ biàn yì shù] covariance
古典机率论 [ɡǔ diǎn jī lǜ lùn] classical theory of probability
观测值 [ɡuān cè zhí] observation value
管制水准 [ɡuǎn zhì shuǐ zhǔn] level of control
归纳统计学 [ɡuī nà tǒnɡ jì xué] inductive statistics
国民生产总值 [ɡuó mín shēnɡ chǎn zǒnɡ zhí] gross national product (GNP)
互斥事件 [hù chì shì jiàn] exclusive event
滑移检定 [huá yí jiǎn dìnɡ] slippage test
回归分析 [huí ɡuī fēn xī] analysis of regression
回归曲线 [huí ɡuī qū xiàn] curve of regression
回归系数 [huí ɡuī xì shù] regression coefficient
火灾统计 [huǒ zāi tǒnɡ jì] fire statistics
基本抽样 [jī běn chōu yànɡ] fundamental sampling
基本事系 [jī běn shì xì] elementary event
机率过程 [jī lǜ ɡuò chénɡ] probability process
机率函数 [jī lǜ hán shù] probability function
机率论 [jī lǜ lùn] theory of probability
机率质函数 [jī lǜ zhì hán shù] probability mass function (p.m.f.)
集体随机抽样 [jí tǐ suí jī chōu yànɡ] cluster random sampling
几何分配 [jǐ hé fēn pèi] geometric distribution
计量经济学 [jì liànɡ jīnɡ jì xué] econometrics
计量统计 [jì liànɡ tǒnɡ jì] quantitative statistics
记数法 [jì shù fǎ] notation; system of numeration
加马分配 [jiā mǎ fēn pèi] Gamma distribution
假定检定法 [jiǎ dìnɡ jiǎn dìnɡ fǎ] tests of hypothesis
假定原点 [jiǎ dìnɡ yuán diǎn] assumed origin
假设 [jiǎ shè] hypothesis
间接统计 [jiàn jiē tǒnɡ jì] secondary statistics
检验差 [jiǎn yàn chā] inspection tolerance
渐近分配 [jiàn jìn fēn pèi] asymptotic distribution
建筑统计 [jiàn zhù tǒnɡ jì] construction statistics
交集 [jiāo jí] intersection
交通统计 [jiāo tōnɡ tǒnɡ jì] communications statistics
教育统计 [jiào yù tǒnɡ jì] education statistics
结合分析 [jié hé fēn xī] joint analysis
界限线 [jiè xiàn xiàn] limit line
金融统计 [jīn rónɡ tǒnɡ jì] financial statistics
经验机率 [jīnɡ yàn jī lǜ] empirical probability
静态统计 [jìnɡ tài tǒnɡ jì] static statistics
决策分析 [jué cè fēn xī] decision analysis
决策理论 [jué cè lǐ lùn] decision theory
绝对误差 [jué duì wù chā] absolute error
均方误差 [jūn fānɡ wù chā] mean square error
均匀分配 [jūn yún fēn pèi] uniform distribution
卡方分配 [kǎ fānɡ fēn pèi] chi-square distribution
卡方检定 [kǎ fānɡ jiǎn dìnɡ] chi-square test
可靠度 [kě kào dù] degree of reliability
可靠性 [kě kào xìnɡ] reliability
可能性比检定 [kě nénɡ xìnɡ bǐ jiǎn dìnɡ] likelihood-ratio test
可信度 [kě xìn dù] credibility
空集 [kōnɡ jí] null
空隙检定 [kònɡ xì jiǎn dìnɡ] gap test
矿业生产统计 [kuànɡ yè shēnɡ chǎn tǒnɡ jì] mining production statistics
矿业统计 [kuànɡ yè tǒnɡ jì] mining statistics
累差 [lěi chā] cumulant
累积 [lěi jī] cumulation
累积分配 [lěi jī fēn pèi] cumulative distribution
离差 [lí chā] deviation
离散度 [lí sàn dù] relative dispersion
离散过程 [lí sàn ɡuò chénɡ] discrete process
离散系数 [lí sàn xì shù] coefficient of dispersion
历史统计 [lì shǐ tǒnɡ jì] historical statistics
联合次数函数 [lián hé cì shù hán shù] joint frequency function
联合分配 [lián hé fēn pèi] joint distribution
联集 [lián jí] union
量子统计力学 [liànɡ zǐ tǒnɡ jì lì xué] quantum statistical mechanics
林业统计 [lín yè tǒnɡ jì] forestry statistics
临界点 [lín jiè diǎn] critical point
马可夫过程 [mǎ kě fū ɡuò chénɡ] Markov process
马可夫链 [mǎ kě fū liàn] Markov chain
密集抽样 [mì jí chōu yànɡ] intensive sampling
内在机遇变异 [nèi zài jī yù biàn yì] inward chance variation
逆机率 [nì jī lǜ] inverse probability
农业统计 [nónɡ yè tǒnɡ jì] agricultural statistics
配额抽样 [pèi é chōu yànɡ] quota sampling
偏等级相联 [piān děnɡ jí xiānɡ lián] partial rank correlation
偏误检定 [piān wù jiǎn dìnɡ] biased test
偏斜度 [piān xié dù] measure of skewness
品质管制 [pǐn zhì ɡuǎn zhì] quality control (QC)
平衡样本 [pínɡ hénɡ yànɡ běn] balanced sample
平均数 [pínɡ jūn shù] average; mean
平均总检验数 [pínɡ jūn zǒnɡ jiǎn yàn shù] average total inspection (ATI)
普查 [pǔ chá] census
期望值 [qī wànɡ zhí] expectation value
气候统计 [qì hòu tǒnɡ jì] climate statistics
气象统计 [qì xiànɡ tǒnɡ jì] meteorological statistics
区间估计 [qū jiān ɡū jì] interval estimation
区域差异指数 [qū yù chā yì zhǐ shù] regional difference index (RDI)
全集 [quán jí] universal set
全面品质管制 [quán miàn pǐn zhì ɡuǎn zhì] total quality control (TQC)
人口登记统计 [rén kǒu dēnɡ jì tǒnɡ jì] population registration statistics
人口调查 [rén kǒu diào chá] census
赛局论 [sài jú lùn] game theory
商业统计 [shānɡ yè tǒnɡ jì] business statistics
上转折点 [shànɡ zhuǎn zhé diǎn] higher turning point
生理统计 [shēnɡ lǐ tǒnɡ jì] physiological statistics
生物统计学 [shēnɡ wù tǒnɡ jì xué] biostatistics
事故统计 [shì ɡù tǒnɡ jì] accident statistics
事后机率 [shì hòu jī lǜ] posterior probability
事前机率 [shì qián jī lǜ] prior probability
属性统计 [shǔ xìnɡ tǒnɡ jì] qualitative statistics
数理统计 [shù lǐ tǒnɡ jì] mathematical statistics
数域 [shù yù] domain
瞬间抽样 [shùn jiān chōu yànɡ] snap sampling
司法统计 [sī fǎ tǒnɡ jì] judicial statistics
随机变量 [suí jī biàn liànɡ] random variable
随机不变性策略 [suí jī bú biàn xìnɡ cè lüè] randomized invariant strategy
随机样本 [suí jī yànɡ běn] random sample
泰勒级数 [tài lè jí shù] Taylor’s series
特性根 [tè xìnɡ ɡēn] characteristic root
条件机率 [tiáo jiàn jī lǜ] conditional probability
条件统计数 [tiáo jiàn tǒnɡ jì shù] conditional statistics
铁路统计 [tiě lù tǒnɡ jì] railway statistics
同意系数 [tónɡ yì xì shù] coefficient of agreement
统计表 [tǒnɡ jì biǎo] statistical table
统计常数 [tǒnɡ jì chánɡ shù] statistical constant
统计调查法 [tǒnɡ jì diào chá fǎ] method of statistical investigation
统计分析 [tǒnɡ jì fēn xī] statistical analysis
统计符号 [tǒnɡ jì fú hào] statistical symbol
统计恒性定律 [tǒnɡ jì hénɡ xìnɡ dìnɡ lǜ] law of statistical regularity
统计力学 [tǒnɡ jì lì xué] statistical mechanics
统计量 [tǒnɡ jì liànɡ] statistics
统计品质管制 [tǒnɡ jì pǐn zhì ɡuǎn zhì] statistical quality control (SQC)
统计设计 [tǒnɡ jì shè jì] statistical design
统计数列 [tǒnɡ jì shù liè] statistical series
统计数字 [tǒnɡ jì shù zì] statistical figures; statistics
统计图 [tǒnɡ jì tú] cartogram; statistical diagram; statistical graph
统计推论 [tǒnɡ jì tuī lùn] statistical inference
统计误差 [tǒnɡ jì wù chā] statistical mistake
统计学家 [tǒnɡ jì xué jiā] statist; statistician
统计资料 [tǒnɡ jì zī liào] statistical data; statistical material
推翻域 [tuī fān yù] zone of rejection
碗珠抽取 [wǎn zhū chōu qǔ] bowl drawing
危险域 [wēi xiǎn yù] critical region
未知数 [wèi zhī shù] unknown quantity; unknown number
卫生统计 [wèi shēnɡ tǒnɡ jì] health statistics
稳定性增量过程 [wěn dìnɡ xìnɡ zēnɡ liànɡ ɡuò chénɡ] process with stationary increments
无差异带 [wú chā yì dài] zone of indifference
无线电话统计 [wú xiàn diàn huà tǒnɡ jì] wireless-telephone statistics
物价统计 [wù jià tǒnɡ jì] price statistics
物价指数 [wù jià zhǐ shù] index of prices; index number of prices
误差空间 [wù chā kōnɡ jiān] error space
误差曲线 [wù chā qū xiàn] curve of error
吸收系数 [xī shōu xì shù] absorption coefficient
系统函数 [xì tǒnɡ hán shù] system function
下转折点 [xià zhuǎn zhé diǎn] lower turning point
显著水准 [xiǎn zhù shuǐ zhǔn] level of significance
线性规划 [xiàn xìnɡ ɡuī huà] linear programming
相关系数 [xiānɡ ɡuān xì shù] correlation coefficient
相联变量 [xiānɡ lián biàn liànɡ] associated variate
相依事件 [xiānɡ yī shì jiàn] dependent event
小样本抽样理论 [xiǎo yànɡ běn chōu yànɡ lǐ lùn] small sampling theory
心理学统计 [xīn lǐ xué tǒnɡ jì] psychology statistics
信赖区间 [xìn lài qū jiān] confidence interval
信赖系数 [xìn lài xì shù] confidence
刑事统计 [xínɡ shì tǒnɡ jì] criminal statistics
修整误差 [xiū zhěnɡ wù chā] rounding error
虚无假设 [xū wú jiǎ shè] null hypothesis
循环差异 [xún huán chā yì] cyclical deviation
验收抽验 [yàn shōu chōu yàn] acceptance sampling
验证 [yàn zhènɡ] verification
样本点 [yànɡ běn diǎn] sample point
样本动差 [yànɡ běn dònɡ chà] sample moment
样本分弧 [yànɡ běn fēn hú] allocation of sampling
样本空间 [yànɡ běn kōnɡ jiān] sample space
样本平均数 [yànɡ běn pínɡ jūn shù] sample mean
样本统计数 [yànɡ běn tǒnɡ jì shù] sample statistics
医学统计 [yī xué tǒnɡ jì] medical statistics
遗传统计 [yí chuán tǒnɡ jì] genetic statistics
移动配合 [yí dònɡ pèi hé] running fit
已知数 [yǐ zhī shù] known number/quantity
因果系统 [yīn ɡuǒ xì tǒnɡ] causal system
应用统计学 [yìnɡ yònɡ tǒnɡ jì xué] applied statistics
营养统计 [yínɡ yǎnɡ tǒnɡ jì] nutritional statistics
优先接受区域 [yōu xiān jiē shòu qū yù] zone of preference for acceptance
优先摒弃区域 [yōu xiān bìnɡ qì qū yù] zone of preference for rejection
邮递统计 [yóu dì tǒnɡ jì] mail statistics
游乐统计 [yóu lè tǒnɡ jì] recreation statistics
有界变量 [yǒu jiè biàn liànɡ] bounded variable
有效单位 [yǒu xiào dān wèi] effective unit
有因子统计学 [yǒu yīn zǐ tǒnɡ jì xué] parametric statistics
渔业统计 [yú yè tǒnɡ jì] fishing statistics
预测 [yù cè] forecasting
原始统计 [yuán shǐ tǒnɡ jì] primary statistics
原始资料 [yuán shǐ zī liào] original data
允收域 [yǔn shōu yù] zone of acceptance; acceptance region
运输统计 [yùn shū tǒnɡ jì] transportation statistics
灾害统计 [zāi hài tǒnɡ jì] damage statistics
暂定机率选取法 [zàn dìnɡ jī lǜ xuǎn qǔ fǎ] selection with arbitrary probability
造林面积统计 [zào lín miàn jī tǒnɡ jì] reforested area statistics
正负号检定 [zhènɡ fù hào jiǎn dìnɡ] sign test
政府统计 [zhènɡ fǔ tǒnɡ jì] official statistics; government statistics
指数分配 [zhǐ shù fēn pèi] exponential distribution
中位检定 [zhōnɡ wèi jiǎn dìnɡ] medial test
中央信赖区间 [zhōnɡ yānɡ xìn lài qū jiān] central confidence interval
重复抽样 [chónɡ fù chōu yànɡ] replicated sampling
重复原理 [chónɡ fù yuán lǐ] principle of replication
逐次检定 [zhú cì jiǎn dìnɡ] sequential test
逐项逐次抽样检验 [zhú xiànɡ zhú cì chōu yànɡ jiǎn yàn] item-by-item sequential sampling inspection
准据 [zhǔn jù] criterion
准则 [zhǔn zé] criterion
子集 [zǐ jí] subset
自身共轭标准方 [zì shēn ɡònɡ è biāo zhǔn fānɡ] self-conjugate standard square
租税统计 [zū shuì tǒnɡ jì] tax statistics
最概估计量 [zuì ɡài ɡū jì liànɡ] maximum likelihood estimator
最佳估计值 [zuì jiā ɡū jì zhí] best estimate
最佳配合 [zuì jiā pèi hé] best estimate
最适抽样计划 [zuì shì chōu yànɡ jì huà] optimal sampling plan
最适可行解式 [zuì shì kě xínɡ jiě shì] optimum feasible solution
最适统计数 [zuì shì tǒnɡ jì shù] optimum statistics
最小平方估计 [zuì xiǎo pínɡ fānɡ ɡū jì] least-squares estimation
作业特性曲线 [zuò yè tè xìnɡ qū xiàn] operating characteristic curve; OC curve







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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:18:06