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单词 ground
释义 ground2 /graund; graund/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A] (of a ship) (cause to) touch the sea bottom; (of aircraft, airmen) compel to stay on the ground: (指船) (使) 相海底; 搁浅; (指飞机,飞行员) 强迫停留在地面; 停飞: Our ship ~ed in shallow water. 我们的船在成水击搠浅了。 All aircraft at London Airport were ~ed by fog yesterday. 伦敦机场的所有飞机在昨天因雾而被迫停飞。 2 [VP6A] ~ arms, (mil) lay (esp rifles) on the ground. (军) 将 (尤指步枪) 放在地上。 3 [VP14] ~ sth on sth, base (the more usu word) (a belief, etc) on: 建立 (信仰等) 于 (…之) 基础上 (较常用 base): ~ one's arguments on facts; 根据事实以立论 a we 〃-~ed theory. 基础稳固的学说。 4 [VP14] ~ sb in sth. give (sb) good teaching or basic training in: 给 (某人) 良好的教导或基本训练: The teacher ~ed his pupils in arithmetic. 该教师给他的学生打下了良好的算术基础。 5 [VP6A] connect (a piece of electrical apparatus) with the ~ as conductor, as a safety precaution (earth is the usu word). 使 (电器) 接地 (以地面作为导体,以策安全, 通常用 earth); 接地; 通地。 ~ing n thorough teaching of the elements of a subject: 对一科日在基础上彻底的教授; 基础 ; 底子: a good ~ing in grammar. 对于基本文法的良好的教授; 良好的文法基础。




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