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单词 gross
释义 gross2 /graus; gros/ adj 1 vulgar; not refined; coarse in mind or morals: 粗鄙的; 不雅的; 粗野的: ~ language/jokes/morals. 粗鄙的言语 (笑话,品行)。 2 (of food) coarse, greasy; liking such food: (指食物) 粗糙而油腻的; 喜欢粗糙而油腻之食物的: ~ ~ eater. 喜欢粗检而油腻之食物者。 3 (of the senses) heavy and dull. (指感觉) 迟钝的。 4 flagrant;, glaring; clearly seen: 罪恶昭彰的; 显著的; 易见的: ~injustice/negligence , 显著的不公 (疏忽); 0 ~ error/ overcharge. 显然的错误 (索价过高) 。 5 (of vegetation) luxuriant: (指草木) 茂密的: the ~ vegetation-of the tropical rain forest. 熟带雨林中茂密的植物。 6 (of persons) repulsively fat. (指人) 过于肥胖的。 7 (opposite of net) total, whole: (为 net 之相反字) 全部的; 整个的; 总的; 毛的: the ~ amount; 总额: his ~ income. 他的全部收入。 ~ national product (abbr 略作 GNP), annual total value of goods produced, and services provided, in a country. 国民生产毛额。 8 in (the) ~, wholesale; in bulk; in a general way. 批发; 大体上; 一般地。 vt [VP6A] make as a total amount: 总共赚得: last film ~ed five million pounds. 他最后制的影片总共获利五百万锁。 ~ly adv extremely: 极度地; 十分地: ~ly unfair/ fat. 极不公平 (十分肥胖) 。 ~ness n




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