单词 | slide |
释义 | slide/slaɪd/ v [slid,slid/slɪd/;-e\ing/ ɪ ŋ/];n v (1)(使)滑动((cause to)move along a smooth surface while remaining touching it all the time)[I+prep,I+adv,T+n+prep,T+n+adv,C+n+adj]:~on the ice 在冰上滑动;~down a grassy slope 顺着草坡滑下去;The boat slid down the bank into the water. 小船顺着河岸滑入水中。The car slid into a ditch. 汽车滑进了沟渠。The pen slid from my hand. 钢笔从我的手中滑落。The book slid off my knee. 书从我的膝盖上滑落。~over the surface of the water 从水面上滑过;The snow is~ing down to the river. 雪从高处滑入河中。The drawers of this desk~in and out easily. 这张书桌的抽屉很容易推进拉出。~a glass across the table top 使杯子滑过桌面;He slid the car seat forward a little. 他把汽车的座位向前挪了一点儿。He slid the drawer open. 他拉开了抽屉。 ~ing door 拉门,滑动门; (2)逐渐陷入某种状态(pass or fall gradually into a certain state,character,etc)[I+prep(into)]:~into a bad habit 逐渐沾染上坏习惯;~into dishonesty 逐渐变得不诚实;The economy slid from recession to depression. 经济由衰退变成萧条。 (3)悄悄(偷偷)地移动(塞)(move or pass sth quietly or secretly)[I+prep,I+adv,T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:~into a room 偷偷地溜进房间;~out of the room when no one is looking 乘人不注意溜出了房间;~away 偷偷跑掉;Time~s by. 光阴流逝。The thief slid in by the window. 窃贼从窗户溜了进来。The years~past.岁月在不知不觉间一年年过去。He slid a pistol into his pocket. 他偷偷把手枪塞进衣袋。He slid some money into my hand. 他悄悄把一些钱塞进我的手里。 (4)逐渐下降(fall gradually)[I]:The US dollar continues to~. 美元继续下跌。 let sth slide 听其自然:We must not let this matter~. 这件事我们决不能任其发展。 slide over (v adv)略过,回避(vt):~over a ticklish problem 回避棘手的问题;He slid over the question without answering it. 他对这个问题避而不答。 n(1)滑动(行) (act of sliding) [U,a~]:have a~on the ice 在冰上滑行;Some rocks suddenly went into a~down the mountainside. 一些石块突然滑下山坡。The children each took a~in turn. 孩子们轮流每人滑一次。~fastener 拉链; (2)滑坡(梯,道)(slippery track,or a specially constructed apparatus with a smooth sloping surface,on which people or things can slide)[C]:a log~原木滑道;a ski~滑雪场地;two~s in the playground 游乐场上的两座滑梯; (3)山(雪)崩(mass of earth,snow,etc sliding down a slope)[C]:a land~山崩,泥石流;a mud~泥流;a snow~雪崩;The~cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩使山谷与外界隔绝。 (4)下降(fall)[C]:a price~价格下降;head into a seasonal~进入淡季;on the~日益恶化,每况愈下; (5)幻灯片(small transparent picture for projecting on to a screen or wall)[C]:They showed us their holiday~s. 他们给我们放映他们度假时拍的幻灯片。a camera that takes colour~s 拍摄彩色幻灯片的照相机;The lecture was illustrated with~s. 那次讲演伴有幻灯片作说明。~projector 幻灯机; →′slide-rule n 计算尺 |
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