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单词 slice
slice/slaɪs/ n [-s/ ɪz/];v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(薄)片(thinflatbroad piece cut from sth) [C]: cut off a~of meat 切下一片肉来;raw fish cut in~s 切成薄片的生鱼;bread cut into large~s 切成大片的面包;a thin/thick~of cake 一薄/厚片蛋糕;S~s of cold meat between~s of fresh bread make good sandwiches. 冷肉片夹在新鲜面包片中间即成上好的三明治。

(2)部分,份儿(portion;share)[C](infml):Each partner received his~of the profits. 每个合伙人都得到了自己的那份红利。Rents provided a large~of his income. 租金是他收入的一大部分。a~of land/territory 一块土地/领土;a~of life 人生的片段;

(3)切(餐)刀(broad knife for cutting or serv-ing)[C]:a fish~切鱼的刀;

v(1)切成薄片(cut into slices)[T+nT+n+adv (up)]:She~d the sausage/cucumber. 她把香肠/黄瓜切成片。~the bread thin 把面包切成薄片;~(up) cake/meat/a loaf 把蛋糕/肉/面包切成片;

(2)切(下),割(下)(cut with a sharp blade or knife)[T+n+prep (off/from),T+n+adv (off), D+n+n passD+n+prep]:~a piece off/from the cake 从蛋糕上切下一片儿来;~off a piece of meat 切下一块肉来;~off a thick piece from the loaf 从面包上切下厚厚的一片;~away a tract of territory 割去一块领土;One side of the hill was~d off. 小山的一边被削掉。She~d him three pieces of bread/ham (three pieces of bread/ham for him). 她给他切了三片面包/火腿。

(3)切,割,劈(开)(cut through as with a knife)[I+prep (into/through),T+n]:He~d (into) his fingers by accident when cutting vegetables. 他切菜时不小心切了手指。The ice-breaker~d through the ice. 破冰船把冰破开。The wind was~ing through his overcoat. 风如同刀割般地吹进他的大衣。The bows of the boat~d the water. 船头劈开水面。

→ sliced adj 切成片的;′slicer n 切片机





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