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单词 终身大事

终身大事zhōng shēn dà shì

a matter which concerns the whole future of sb; an important(/great)event in one’s life [usu. referring to mar riage]/因是儿子的~所关,说不得东并西凑恭恭敬敬封了二十四两贽见礼,…… (《红楼梦》 105) However,since this was a matter which concerned the whole future of his son,there was nothing for it but to strain his credit to the utmost. By borrowing a bit here and a bit there he was able to get together a sum of twenty-four taels of silver which he made up into a packet and laid reverently…/燕,~啊,我为你高兴。(杨沫《青春之歌》475) Xiaoyan,I am glad you have found your life companion.
❍ 只见了一个清俊男人,不管是亲是友,想起他的 ‘~’ 来,…… (《红楼梦》683) …yet her first glimpse of a handsome man,whether a relative or family friend,sets her thoughts running on marriage.
❍ ~,礼不能缺。(周立波《山乡巨变》147) It’s the biggest event in anyone’s life; there must be some formalities.

《终身大事》zhong sheng da shi

The Greatest Event of One’s Life→胡适 (Hu Shi)

终身大事zhōnɡ shēn dà shì

关系到一辈子的大事情。多指婚姻。an important event in one’s life, a great event in one’s life





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