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单词 sleep
sleep/sli:p/ nvsleptslept/slept/]

n (1)睡眠(觉)(state of unconsciousness which is a natural way of resting)[U]:forget~and food 废寝忘食;go to/get to~睡着/入睡;do not have/get enough~睡眠不足;I didn't get much~last night. 昨晚我没有睡多久。induce~催眠;S~fell upon me. 我的睡意来了。S~and appetites improved. 睡眠改善,食欲增加。walk/talk in one's~梦游/说梦话;awake from~从睡梦中醒来;startle sb out of his~惊醒某人;put/send a child to~使孩子入睡;read/sing/rock a child to~读书/唱歌/摇动哄小孩入睡;cry/sob oneself to~哭/抽泣着睡着了;He didn't get a wink of~all night. 他整夜未合眼睡一下。winter~冬眠;

(2)睡眠时间(period of sleep)[Ua~]:a cat's~打盹;have a deep/heavy/profound/sound~熟/熟/酣/酣睡;have a good/restful/restless~好好睡一觉/睡个安宁觉/睡得不安宁;have/get a good night's~睡一夜好觉;

lose sleep about/over sth 为某事而忧虑(操心):She lost~over her son's health. 她为儿子的健康日夜焦虑。

→′sleepless adj 失眠的;′sleeplessly adv 失眠地;′sleeplessness n 失眠;′sleepy adj 困的,欲睡的;′sleepily adv 欲睡地;′sleepiness n 困乏,昏昏欲睡;′sleepwalker n 梦游者;′sleepwalking n 梦游;

v(1)睡觉(着)(in a state of sleep)[II+advI+n/prep]:The baby is~ing. 小宝宝在睡觉。~badly/well/heavily/lightly/soundly 睡得不好/很好/熟/轻/香;~around 与多人乱搞男女关系;~together/with sb 发生性关系(通奸);The baby is~ing away quietly. 那婴儿一直安静地睡着。Don't wake him up;let him~on for another hour. 别叫醒他,让他再睡一个小时。~late in the morning 早上睡懒觉;nota wink 一点儿也没有睡;I usually~(for)eight hours a day. 我通常每天睡八小时。~in the open air 在露天地睡;~like a log/top 睡得很死;~through the alarm clock 睡得很熟,闹钟响都没听见;S~ing Beauty 睡美人;

(2)过夜(past the night)[I+prep]:I shall~in London tonight. 今晚我将在伦敦过夜。He slept over at his friend's home. 他在朋友家里过夜。

(3)死(be dead)[I+prep]:~in the grave 长眠于墓中;He~s with his ancestors in this graveyard. 他与祖先长眠于这块墓地。

(4)睡(take a particular kind of sleep)[T+n]:He slept a sound~.他睡得很好。~one's last~ 死亡;~the~of the just 问心无愧能睡安稳觉;

(5)提供住宿(provide sleeping space for)[T+n,无pass]:This boat (inn)~s six persons/20 people. 这条船(小旅店)可供6/20个人住宿。

sleep away (v adv)以睡眠消磨(除)(vt):~away the hours 以睡眠消磨时间;~away business cares 借睡眠消除生意上的烦恼;

sleep off (v adv)借睡眠消除(vt):~off one's headache/one's fatigue 借睡眠消除头疼/疲劳;

sleep on/over (v prep)把某事留待第二天解决(vt)(无pass):~on a decision 推迟一天作决定;I'll~on your proposal and give you my answer in the morning. 今晚我考虑一下你的建议,明早答复你。

→′sleeper n 睡眠者;卧铺车;′sleeping-bag n 睡袋;′sleeping-car n 卧铺车厢;′sleeping-pill n 安眠药片;






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