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❶ (最后; 末了) end; ending; finish; 期 ~ end of the semester; 告 ~ come to an end; 有始有 ~ once started, carry it to the finish
❷ (指人死) death; end: 没得善 ~ come to a sticky end
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 军 Zhong Jun Ⅱ (自始至终的整段时间) all; entire; whole: ~ 日 all day long; all day; ~ 夜 the whole night Ⅲ (终归; 到底) after all; in the end; eventually; finally: ~ 不悔改 never repent after all; ~ 必成功 will succeed in the end; ~ 非良策。 It's not a good plan after all.
◆终场 end of a performance [show; sports event]; 终点 terminal point; finishing point; destination; {体} finish; 终端 terminal; terminus; terminator; tag-end; end; termination; trailing end; end point; terminating; 终端站 {讯} terminal station; 终古 forever; a surname; 终归 eventually; in the end; after all; be bound to; 终极 paroxysm; ultimate; final; 终接 {电} terminating; 终结 finality; final; end; final stage; wind up; end up; 终究 eventually; in the end; after all; 终局 end; outcome; 终了 end; be over; be finished; end up; complete; conclude; terminate; close; 终年 all the year round; throughout the year; the age at which one dies; 终期 telocinesia; telophase; telokinesis; 终曲 {音} grand finale; finale; 终日 from morning till night; all day long; 终身 lifelong; all one's life; whole life long; 终身制 lifelong tenure; the system of life tenure; 终审 {律} last instance; final judgment; 终生 all one's life; throughout one's life; 终岁 [书] the whole year; throughout the year; 终天 from morning till night; all day long; [书] all one's life; 终于 at last; in the end; finally; eventually; 终止 stop; end; suspend; termination; annulment; abrogation; 终止合同 termination of contract





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