织(織)zhī (编织) knit; weave: ~ 草席 weave a straw mat; ~ 毛衣 knit a sweater; 她在给丈夫 ~ 一双袜子。 She's knitting her husband a pair of socks. 这是用丝 ~ 成的。 It is woven of silk. ◆织补 darning; invisible mending; 织布 weaving cotton cloth; weaving; 织构 texture; 织机 loom; weaving machine; 织锦 brocade; picture-weaving in silk; 织女 woman weaver; {天} Vega (α Lyr); the Girl Weaver in the legend “The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver”; 织女星 {天} Vega (α Lyr); 织品 texture; 织袜机 foot ̄ wear machine; hosiery knitter; hosiery machine; stocking frame; 织物 textile; fabric; texture; etoffe; [法] drap; 织造 {纺} weave; contexture; [法] tisser; 织针 needle; knitting needle; 织轴 {纺} beam of a loom |