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单词 slave
slave/sleɪv/ nvi [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)奴隶(person who is the property of and wholly subject to another person)[C]:free/liberate~s 解放奴隶;trade in~s 贩卖奴隶;S~s could be bought and sold like horses. 以前奴隶可以像牲口一样被买卖。a runaway~逃跑的奴隶;work like a~像奴隶一样拼命劳作;~labour/owners/holders/markets奴隶劳动/主/主/市场;~ships贩奴船;

(2)无法摆脱某种影响或习惯的人(person who is controlled or ruled by some influence or his own habit)[C][N (of/to)]:a~of fashion 拼命赶时髦的人;He could not bear to be the~of a habit. 他不能忍受做习惯的奴隶。a~to tobacco/drink烟/酒鬼;a~to money钱的奴隶;a~to convention 墨守成规的人;a~to duty 拼命尽本分工作的人;

→′slave-driver n 监管奴隶的人;′slave-trade,′slave-traffic n 奴隶贸易;

vi 像奴隶般(拼命)工作(work like a slave;work very hard)[II+prepI+adv]:I get tired of~ing at this work day after day. 日复一日地拼命干这种工作我厌烦透了。~(away)in the field 在田里辛苦劳作;Mothers~for their children. 母亲为儿女们辛苦操劳。She has been~ing away over a hot stove for two hours. 她已在炎热的火炉旁辛苦工作两小时了。I've got so tired of~ing away at this work day and night. 日复一日地拼命干这种工作我已经烦透了。

→′slaver n 奴隶贩子;贩奴船;′slavery n 奴隶状态(制);苦役





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