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❶ (条状物横剖面小) thin; slender: ~ 铁丝 thin wire; ~ 线 fine thread; ~ 腰 slender waist; 纤 ~ 的手指 fine fingers
❷ (颗粒小) in small particles; fine: ~ 沙 fine sand; 玉米面磨得很 ~。 The corn flour has been ground very fine.
❸ (音量小) thin and soft: ~ 嗓子 a thready voice
❹ (精细) fine; exquisite; delicate: 粗粮 ~ 作 make delicacies out of coarse food grain; ~ 瓷 fine porcelain [china]; 这几件象牙雕刻做得真 ~ ! What exquisite [delicate] ivory carvings these are!
❺ (仔细; 详细; 周密) careful; meticulous; detailed: 工作做得 ~ be meticulous in one's work; 过 ~ 地做工作 be careful with [in doing] one's work; work meticulously; 精收 ~ 打 careful reaping and threshing; ~ 看 examine carefully; scrutinize; ~ 问 make detailed inquiries; ask about details
❻ (细微; 细小) minute; trifling: 分工很 ~ have an elaborate division of labour; 事无巨 ~ all matters, big and small; 琐 ~ 得不切实际的理论 a finespun theory
◆细胞 cell; sytes; bioplast; cella; [口] gene; {生} cellule; cellule-, cellulli-, cellulo-; cello-; kyto-; -cyte; -ont; cyto-; 细胞核 nucleus; caryon; cell nucleus; 细胞膜 cell membrane; cytomembrane; periplast; mantle; 细胞学 cytology; 细刨 {木} trying plane; smoothing plane; 细鞭蛇 coachwhip snake; 细别 a fine distinction; a subtle difference; distinguish carefully; 细薄平布 clear muslin; 细薄平纹布 {纺} sheerhand; 细薄亚麻布 {纺} sheer linen; 细薄衣料 mull muslin; 细布 percale; fine cloth; lawn; 细部 detail (of a drawing); 细长 tall and slender; tenuous; long and thin; 细刺 spinelet; 细带 fasciola; bandeau (pl. bandeaux); ribbon; fillet; 细度 fineness; 细短剑 stiletto; stilletto; 细纺 finespun; finespinning; 细分 subdivision; mince; partition; partitioning; division; sectionalization; 细粉 farine; fines; 细高挑儿 [方] a tall and slender figure; a tall, slender person; 细格子纹 pin check; 细工 fine workmanship; 细花飞廉 winged thistle; 细喙鸟 tenuiroster; 细活 a job requiring fine workmanship or meticulous care; skilled work; neat work; 细加工 fining-off; 细嚼 poltophagy; 细嚼慢咽 take one's time in eating; chew carefully and swallow slowly; chew one's food well before swallowing it; 细节 details; particulars; specific; minutia; minutiae; {纺} snicks; 细颈大酒瓶 gardevin; 细颈水瓶 decanter; 细菌 germ; bacterium (pl. bacteria); fungus (pl. fungi); 细菌学 bacteriology; 细浪 ripple; riffle; wavelet; 细粒 fine stuff; smalls; 细粮 wheat flour and rice; 细流 thread; trickle; 细麻布 grass lawn; 细麻纱 cambric; 细脉 string; stringer; {中医} thready pulse; joint vein; stringer vein; 细毛皮 fine furs; 细毛羊 fine-wool sheep; 细煤 duff; 细密 fine; fine and closely woven; close; meticulous; detailed; 细棉布 [日] Kanakin; cambric; 细磨 fine grinding; 细末 smalls; 细磨机 atomizer mill; 细木工 joinery; cabinetwork; carpenter; cabinetmaker; 细木锯 half ripper; 细目 detailed catalogue; specific item; detail; enumeration; 细嫩 delicate; tender; 细腻 fine and smooth; exquisite; minute; 细皮条 creance; 细平纹棉布 carbassus; carbasus; 细巧 exquisite; dainty; delicate; fine and delicate; 细绒布 albatross; 细绒线 fingering yarn; 细肉鱼 weakfish; 细软 jewelry, expensive clothing and other valuables; 细软薄布 mulmul; mullmull; 细润 fine and glossy; 细弱 thin and delicate; slim and fragile; 细砂 fine sand; 细纱 {纺} spun yarn; 细筛 search; undersize sieve; 细声细气 in a soft voice; soft-spoken; 细绳 string; line; twine; 细石灰粉 kemidol; 细水长流 Water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust.; economize to avoid running short; go about sth. little by little without a letup; a small but steady stream; A small stream flows far.; plan on a long-term basis; 细说本末 recount the development from the beginning; 细说详情 relate all this in elaborate detail; 细丝 threadlet; 细碎 comminution; in small, broken bits; 细条花纹 broché; 细条天竺鲷 cardina fish; 细条纹 striola; 细挑 tall and slender; 细条 tall and slender; slim; 细土 fine earth; 细腿紧身裤 slims; 细微 slight; fine; minute; tiny; subtle; 细微末节 the details; trivial [minor] details; side issues; 细纹 microgroove; 细纤维 O-fibres; 细线 leptonema; leptotene; threadlet; filament; 细线条(儿) hachure; 细香菜 fines herbes; 细香葱 chive; 细小 very small; tiny; trivial; micr-; micro-; -ling; 细斜纹布 {纺} jeanette; reversed jeanette; 细辛 {中药} the root of Chinese wild ginger; Asarum sieboldii; 细心 careful; attentive; 细行不矜 not attend to trifle matters; 细亚麻布 chaisel; chainsel; 细亚麻衬衫布 [古巴] erea; 细亚麻衣料 estopilla; 细羊毛 botany; botany wool; 细腰削肩 with an eel-like figure and narrow, sloping shoulders; 细叶 spire; 细雨 drizzle; fine rain; 细雨霏霏 a light drizzle; A light rain started falling.; 细雨纷纷 a steady fall of drizzling rain; 细雨蒙蒙 continuous drizzling; 细雨斜风 drizzle and slanting breeze; 细则 detailed rules and regulations; by-laws; 细毡 fine felt; 细帐 itemized account; detailed account; 细褶皱 {地} minute folding; 细针密缕 fine, close stitches — very carefully prepared plot [composition]; delicate and fine needlework; in fine, close stitches; work in a meticulous way; 细枝末节 all the minor details; minor details; nonessentials; side issues; 细枝嫩叶 slender twigs and tender leaves; 细支 ramuscule; 细致 careful; meticulous; painstaking; 细致平衡 detailed balance; fineness equilibrium; 细致周到 (with the attitude of) being meticulous and attending to minute details in everything; 细烛台 taperstick; 细柱 buttress shaft; 细嘴瓶 flacon; 细作 spy; secret agent





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