组(組)zǔⅠ ❶ (由不多的人员组成的单位) group: 骨干小 ~ a ginger group; 40岁到59岁的年龄 ~ the age group between 40 and 50 ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 健 Zu Jian Ⅱ (组织) organize; form: 改 ~ reorganize; reshuffle; 重 ~ 货源 reorder goods Ⅲ (用于事物的集体) set; series; suite; battery: 一 ~ 舞曲 a suite of dance music; 一 ~ 透镜 a battery of lenses; 一 ~ 邮票 a set of stamps ◆组氨酸 hercynine; histidine-betaine; histidine; 组胺 imidazolylethylamine; histamine; iminazolyl-ethyla ̄ mine; ergamine; 组成 form; make up; compose; formation; composition; configuration; make-up; compo; 组分 {化} {物} component; constituents; 组歌 {音} suite of songs; 组阁 form [set up; organize] a cabinet; 组构 {岩} fabric; petrofabric; rock fabric; structural fabric; 组合 make up; compose; constitute; association; combination; {数} {机} combination; assembly; pack; combining; unit; assemblage; composition; build-up; coenobium; bank; {计} blocking; 组合家具 combination furniture; combined furnishings; modular furniture; 组合式 combined type; 组件 assembly; {电} subassembly; sub-unit; subgroup; element; component element; pack; module; chip; 组织 organization; organized system; organize; form; {纺} weave; {医} {生理} tissue; texture; apparatus; context; constitution; frame; tela (pl. telae); compose; contexture; morphology; organizing; system; hist-; histo; 组织胺 histamine; 组织学 {生理} histology; hyphology; microanatomy; 组装 package; assembling; packaging |