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单词 skirt
skirt/skɜ:t, AmE skɜ:rt/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)裙子(separate garment that hangs from the waist and is not divided between the legsworn by women and girls)[C]:wear a~穿裙子;hem/lengthen/shorten a~缝裙边/把裙子加长/把裙子截短;a divided~裙裤;a pleated/tweed~百褶裙/粗花呢裙;mini~超短裙;pleats on a~裙褶;

(2)(衣服的)下摆(part of a dress or coat that hangs below the waist)[C]:the~s of a man's long coat 男子长外衣的下摆;

(3)郊区(edge or outskirtsas of a town)[pl]:live on the~s of a city 住在市郊;

(4)边缘(border or outer edge)[通常pl]:at the~s of the forest 在森林的边缘;

v(1)位于边缘,绕边走(lie on or move along the edge of sth)[T+nI+prep]:We~ed the field so as not to damage the crops. 我们绕着田地走,以免踩坏庄稼。The river~s the mountains. 这条河绕山流淌。The path~s along the edge of the lake. 这条小路绕着湖边蜿蜒向前。

(2)绕过,避开(pass around;avoid)[T+nI+prep (around/round)]:~the issue 避开这一问题;~around a reef 绕过暗礁;He~ed round the subject of his family. 他避免谈论有关他家庭的问题。





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