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单词 grace
释义 grace /greis; gres/ n 1 [U, C] quality of being pleasing, attractive or beautiful, esp in structure or movement: 优美; 优雅 (尤指在结构或动作上):She danced with ~ /with a ~ that surprised us. 她的舞姿优美 (优雅得使我们惊奇) 。 2 IC) (usu pl) pleasing accomplishment; elegance of manner. (通常用复数) 文雅; 温雅。 airs and ~s, ways of speaking and behaving that are intended to impress and attract people. (说话与举止之) 做作态度; 装模作样。 3 [U] favour; goodwill. 恩赐; 善意。 an act of sth freely given, not taken as a right. 恩典; 仁慈的行为。 days of ~, time allowed by the law or custom after the day on which a payment, eg of a bill of exchange, an insurance premium, is due. 付款 (如付汇票,保险费) 之法定或习惯的宽限日期。 give sb a day's/week's, etc ~, allow him an extra day, etc before requiring him to fulfil an obligation. 给与某人一日 (一周等) 的宽限。 be in sb's good ~s, enjoy his favour and approval. 受某人之宠爱。 4 [J] have the ~ to do sth, realize that it is right and proper, and do it: 明理地做某事: He had the ~ to say that he was sorry. 他函理地道歉。 do sth with a good/bad do it willingly/reluctantly. 乐意地 (勉强地) 做某事。 5 [U, C] short prayer of thanks before or after a meal: 饭前或皈后简短的谢恩礼吿: say a ~. 作谢恩祷吿。 6 [U] God's mercy and favour towards mankind; influence and result of this. 上帝对人类的慈悲; 天恩的影响与结果。油 the year M~ 19 ., in the 19... th year after the birth of Jesus. 在纪元 19... 年。 in a state of ~, being influenced by the strength and inspiring power of God, having been pardoned; having received the Sacraments. 受天惠; 受上帝的恩宠; 受圣礼。 fall from ~, fall to a lower moral state after being in a state of ~ . 失上帝恩宠; 堕落。 7 as a title, used when speaking of or to an archbishop, duke or duchess: 对大主敎、公爵或公爵夫人之尊称; 阁下; 夫人: His/Her/Your G~. 四下; 夫人。 8 the G ~ 8, (Gk myth) three beautiful sister goddesses who gave beauty, charm and happiness. (希神) 赐人美丽、魅力与快乐的三位美丽的姐妹安神。 vt [VP6A] add ~ to; confer honour or dignity on; be an ornament to: 使优美; 使増光; 为…之装饰: The occasion was ~d by the presence of the Queen. 女王之驾临使扬面为之增色。 Her character is ~d with every virtue. 她的品格因具有一切美德而显得高尙。




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