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单词 skin
skin/skɪn/ nvt [-nn-]

n (1)皮(肤)(natural outer covering of a person or an animal)[U]:abrade/irritate the~擦伤/刺激皮肤;roughen the~使皮肤变粗糙;The~blisters/peels when sunburnt. 皮肤曝晒会起泡/脱皮。The snakes cast/shed their~once a year. 蛇每年蜕一次皮。The~of his face wrinkled. 他脸上的皮肤起了皱纹。dark/brown/yellow/fair~黑色/棕色/黄色/白皙的皮肤;coarse/rough/delicate/dry/oily/smooth/soft/tender~粗糙/粗糙/娇嫩/干燥/油性/光滑/柔软/柔嫩的皮肤;have an irritated sensation in the~皮肤有一种不舒服的感觉;in one's~一丝不挂;rub the ointment into the~把油膏揉搓到皮肤里;be drenched/soaked/wet to the~浑身湿透;Much of the~on his arm was burnt black during the fire. 他胳臂上大片皮肤被火烧焦了。 ~diseases/cancer/specialist 皮肤病/癌症/专科医生;

(2)兽(毛)皮(hide or fur)[CU]:tan~s into leather 鞣皮制革;wear~s for clothing 穿兽皮当衣服;It takes 20~s to make a coat. 做一件大衣需20张毛皮。There were two tiger~s on the floor. 地板上有两张虎皮。His jacket is made of sheep~. 他的夹克衫是羊皮做的。the ass in the lion's~狐假虎威;~tents 皮帐篷;

(3)果(蔬菜)皮(covering of a fruit or vegeta-ble)[CU]:a banana~香蕉皮;potato~s/the~of a potato土豆皮;tread on fruit~s 踩在水果皮上;pare off the~of an apple 削掉苹果皮;strip the~from a banana 剥去香蕉皮;

(4)(液面上的)薄皮(层)(thin film or layer that forms on a liquid)[CU]:A~formed on the gravy. 肉汤表面结了一层薄皮。Boiled milk often has a~on it. 煮过的牛奶上面常有一层薄皮。the~on oil paint in an open pot敞口罐中的油漆表面形成的薄层;

(5)外皮(壳) (outer layercovering or coating)[C,通常sing]:the aluminium~of an airplane 飞机的铝质外壳;

be no skin off sb's nose/back/teeth 与某人无关(紧要)(infml):That's no~off your nose. 那事与你无关。

by the skin of one's teeth 侥幸,刚好(infml):We made the last train by the~of our teeth. 我们差一点就没赶上末班火车。

get under sb's skin 激怒(infml):His laugh got under my~. 他的笑声激怒了我。

have a thick/thin skin 脸皮厚/薄:Be careful what you say to her;she has a thin~. 你和她说话要小心,她脸皮很薄。

jump out of one's skin 吓一跳:The sudden explosion made me jump out of my~. 突如其来的一声爆炸把我吓了一跳。

vt(1)剥皮(remove the skin from)[T+n]:~a sheep/a pig 剥羊/猪皮;S~the rabbit before you cook it. 先把兔子的皮剥了再煮。

(2)擦破皮(injure by accidentally scraping some of the skin off)[T+n]:The little girl fell and~ned her knees. 那个小女孩摔倒了,膝盖擦破了皮。

skin sb alive 活剥了皮,严厉惩罚:Your father will~you alive when he finds that you have ruined his saw! 你父亲发现你弄坏了他的锯会活剥了你的皮的!

skin over (v adv)(伤口)长新皮,愈合(vi):The wound~ned over. 伤口愈合了。

→͵skin-′deep adj 肤浅的;′skin-diving n 轻装潜游运动;′skin-diver n 轻装潜游者;′skin-flick n 黄色电影;′skin-graft n植皮手术;′skinhead n 剃光头的年轻人(尤指有暴力行为者);͵skin-′tight adj 紧身的;′skin-flint n 吝啬鬼;′skinny adj 皮包骨的





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