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单词 纺织·印染

纺织·印染fǎnɡ zhī·yìn rǎnTextiles & Dyeing

奥纶 [ào ɡuān] orlon
白布 [bái bù] calico
剥茧 [bāo jiǎn] peeling off covering membrane from the cocoon
背缎 [bèi duàn] crepe satin
被单布 [bèi dān bù] sheetings
被服厂 [bèi fú chǎnɡ] clothing factory
本布 [běn bù] calico
哔叽 [bì jī] serge
编织物 [biān zhī wù] braided fabric
变形 [biàn xínɡ] deformation
并条机 [bìnɡ tiáo jī] drawing frame
不褪色 [bú tuì sè] fast colors
布铗拉幅机 [bù jiá lā fú jī] clip stenter
长毛骆驼绒 [chánɡ máo luò tuo rónɡ] camel hair cloth
长毛绒 [chánɡ máo rónɡ] plush
长丝 [chánɡ sī] filament
衬衫厂 [chèn shān chǎnɡ] shirt factory
成纱间 [chénɡ shā jiān] bundling and baling room
抽绣 [chōu xiù] punch work
绸缎 [chóu duàn] silks; silk fabric
疵纱 [cī shā] defective yarn
刺绣品 [cì xiù pǐn] embroidery
粗呢 [cū ní] tweed
粗纱机 [cū shā jī] fly frame
粗支纱 [cū zhī shā] low count yarn
醋酯纤维 [cù zhǐ xiān wéi] acetate fibre
搓条 [cuō tiáo] condensing
打底机 [dǎ dǐ jī] grounding machine
打茧机 [dǎ jiǎn jī] cocoon beater
打麻机 [dǎ má jī] scutcher
大麻 [dà má] hemp
大衣呢 [dà yī ní] overcoating
灯芯绒 [dēnɡ xīn rónɡ] corduroy
等外级 [děnɡ wài jí] off standard
涤纶 [dí lún] dacron; terylene
地毯厂 [dì tǎn chǎnɡ] carpet weaving mill
雕刻机 [diāo kè jī] engraving machine
锭子 [dìnɡ zi] spindle
短纤纱 [duǎn xiān shā] spun yarn
断头 [duàn tóu] broken ends
断头率 [duàn tóu lǜ] breakage
断绪 [duàn xù] breaks
缎子 [duàn zi] satin
多色染料 [duō sè rǎn liào] polygenetic dyes
多梭箱织机 [duō suō xiānɡ zhī jī] multiple box loom
法兰绒 [fǎ lán rónɡ] flannel
帆布 [fān bù] canvas
凡立丁 [fán lì dīnɡ] valetin
防潮 [fánɡ cháo] damp proof
防缩 [fánɡ suō] sanforizing; pre-shrunk
纺纱 [fǎnɡ shā] spinning
纺纱工 [fǎnɡ shā ɡōnɡ] spinner
纺丝泵 [fǎnɡ sī bènɡ] spinning pump
纺丝头 [fǎnɡ sī tóu] spinning sprayer
纺织工人 [fǎnɡ zhī ɡōnɡ rén] textile worker
纺织工业 [fǎnɡ zhī ɡōnɡ yè] textile industry
纺织品 [fǎnɡ zhī pǐn] textiles
飞花 [fēi huā] fly; flyings
废棉 [fèi mián] waste cotton
服装厂 [fú zhuānɡ chǎnɡ] garment factory
复摇 [fù yáo] rereeling the silk
高速分离锭子 [ɡāo sù fēn lí dìnɡ zi] high-speed separating spindle
格子布织机 [ɡé zi bù zhī jī] check loom
格子呢 [ɡé zi ní] tartan
古香缎 [ɡǔ xiānɡ duàn] Suzhou brocade
管纱 [ɡuǎn shā] cop
光泽 [ɡuānɡ zé] gloss; lustre
海军呢 [hǎi jūn ní] admiralty cloth; melton
海力蒙 [hǎi lì ménɡ] herringbone
合成纤维 [hé chénɡ xiān wéi] synthetic fibre
合成纤维厂 [hé chénɡ xiān wéi chǎnɡ] synthetic fibre plant
烘布机 [hōnɡ bù jī] cloth drying machine
烘干 [hōnɡ ɡān] drying
后纺 [hòu fǎnɡ] post-spinning
花布 [huā bù] cotton prints
花呢 [huā ní] tweed
华达呢 [huá dá ní] gabardine
化学纤维 [huà xué xiān wéi] chemical fibre
化学纤维工业 [huà xué xiān wéi ɡōnɡ yè] chemical fibre industry
还原染料 [huán yuán rǎn liào] vat dyes
黄麻 [huánɡ má] jute
黄麻布 [huánɡ má bù] gunny cloth
黄麻袋 [huánɡ má dài] gunny bag
混纺织物 [hùn fǎnɡ zhī wù] mixture/blend fabric
混毛 [hùn máo] wool mixing
活性染料 [huó xìnɡ rǎn liào] reactive
机织织物 [jī zhī zhī wù] woven fabric
家蚕丝 [jiā cán sī] mulberry silk
茧 [jiǎn] cocoon
茧绸 [jiǎn chóu] pongee
拣麻 [jiǎn má] breaking up
剪毛刀 [jiǎn máo dāo] wool shears
接头 [jiē tóu] piece together broken ends of the yarn; mend broken ends of the yarn
接头数 [jiē tóu shù] piece-ups
结筛 [jié shāi] knotter
结头 [jié tóu] knot
锦缎 [jǐn duàn] brocade
精纺法兰绒 [jīnɡ fǎnɡ fǎ lán rónɡ] worsted flannel
精梳机 [jīnɡ shū jī] comber
精梳毛纺梳毛机 [jīnɡ shū máo fǎnɡ shū máo jī] worsted carding machine
经穿 [jīnɡ chuān] wear well
经纱 [jīnɡ shā] warp; twist yarn
经洗 [jīnɡ xǐ] wash well
聚苯乙烯纤维 [jù běn yǐ xī xiān wéi] polysterol/polystyrene fibre
聚氯乙烯 [jù lǜ yǐ xī] polyvinyl chloride
卷布机 [juǎn bù jī] cloth rolling machine
卷纬机 [juǎn wěi jī] quilling machine; weft winder
绢纺 [juàn fǎnɡ] silk spinning
绢纺织厂 [juàn fǎnɡ zhī chǎnɡ] pongee silk factory
绢丝 [juàn sī] spun silk
卡普龙 [kǎ pǔ lónɡ] capron; kapron
卡其布 [kǎ qí bù] khaki drills
开茧机 [kāi jiǎn jī] cocoon opener
开毛机 [kāi máo jī] wool opener
开士米 [kāi shì mǐ] cashmere
开丝机 [kāi sī jī] silk doubling frame
抗拉力绒 [kànɡ lā lì rónɡ] anti-pressing standing velvet
筘 [kòu] reed
阔幅平布 [kuò fú pínɡ bù] sheetings
拉绒 [lā rónɡ] raising; napping
拉绒机 [lā rónɡ jī] (roller) raising machine
拉伸纺丝 [lā shēn fǎnɡ sī] stretch spinning
离心式纺丝 [lí xīn shì fǎnɡ sī] centrifugal spinning
连续练漂机 [lián xù liàn piǎo jī] continuous scouring and bleaching machine
练漂 [liàn piǎo] scouring and bleaching
零头布 [línɡ tóu bù] jobs
路巡回 [lù xún huí] regular walk around the looms
罗缎 [luó duàn] faille; bengaline; tussore
落布工 [luò bù ɡōnɡ] cloth doffer
落棉 [luò mián] droppings
落纱工 [luò shā ɡōnɡ] doffer
落纱机 [luò shā jī] doffer
落纱记录 [luò shā jì lù] record for doffing
络纱 [luò shā] winding
络纱工 [luò shā ɡōnɡ] winder
络纱机 [luò shā jī] winding frame/machine
麻纺厂 [má fǎnɡ chǎnɡ] hemp/flax/jute mill
麻织物 [má zhī wù] linen
麦尔登呢 [mài ěr dēnɡ ní] admiralty cloth; melton
毛纺厂 [máo fǎnɡ chǎnɡ] woollen mill
毛纺工艺 [máo fǎnɡ ɡōnɡ yì] wool spinning
毛纱 [máo shā] wool yarn
毛毯厂 [máo tǎn chǎnɡ] blanket factory
毛特龙 [máo tè lónɡ] modelon
毛织工艺 [máo zhī ɡōnɡ yì] wool weaving
毛织机 [máo zhī jī] woollen loom
毛织物 [máo zhī wù] woollen fabrics
毛哔叽 [máo bì jī] wool serge
每分钟投纬数 [měi fēn zhōnɡ tóu wěi shù] picks per minute (p.p.m.)
每英寸纬数 [měi yīnɡ cùn wěi shù] picks per inch (p.p.i.)
棉布 [mián bù] cotton cloth/piece-goods
棉涤龙 [mián dí lónɡ] trueran
棉缎 [mián duàn] cotton sateen
棉纺厂 [mián fǎnɡ chǎnɡ] cotton (textile) mill
棉纺印染厂 [mián fǎnɡ yìn rǎn chǎnɡ] cotton printing and dyeing mill
棉纺织品 [mián fǎnɡ zhī pǐn] cotton textiles
棉府绸 [mián fǔ chóu] cotton poplin
棉茧绸 [mián jiǎn chóu] cotton pongee
棉卷 [mián juǎn] lap
棉毛机 [mián máo jī] interlock knitting machine
棉绒 [mián rónɡ] cotton velvet
棉纱 [mián shā] cotton yarn
棉条 [mián tiáo] sliver
棉织长毛绒 [mián zhī chánɡ máo rónɡ] cotton plush
棉织华达呢 [mián zhī huá dá ní] cotton gabardine
棉织品 [mián zhī pǐn] cotton fabrics
棉织物 [mián zhī wù] cotton fabrics
棉哔叽 [mián bì jī] cotton serge
耐穿 [nài chuān] wear well
耐绉的 [nài zhòu de] non-crushable
呢绒冷水预缩 [ní rónɡ lěnɡ shuǐ yù suō] cold water shrinking
尼龙 [ní lónɡ] nylon
尼龙薄绸 [ní lónɡ bó chóu] nylon chiffon
尼龙袜 [ní lónɡ wà] nylon hose
拈接 [niān jiē] twisting-in
拈线机 [niān xiàn jī] twisting frame
黏合织物 [nián hé zhī wù] bondedfibre fabric
黏胶溶液 [nián jiāo rónɡ yè] viscose solution
黏胶纤维 [nián jiāo xiān wéi] viscose acetal fibre
派力斯 [pài lì sī] palace
泡泡纱 [pào pào shā] seersucker; plisse/blister crepe
配色 [pèi sè] matching; color combinations
喷气织机 [pēn qì zhī jī] jet loom
喷丝头 [pēn sī tóu] spinneret; spinning jet
坯布 [pī bù] grey cloth
皮棉 [pí mián] ginned cotton
漂白机 [piǎo bái jī] bleaching machine
漂白间 [piǎo bái jiān] bleach croft
漂白棉布 [piǎo bái mián bù] bleached cotton cloth
漂染厂 [piǎo rǎn chǎnɡ] bleaching and dyeing mill
起绒 [qǐ rónɡ] raising; napping
起绒机 [qǐ rónɡ jī] roller raising machine
前纺 [qián fǎnɡ] pre-spinning
乔其纱 [qiáo jī shā] georgette
清棉机 [qīnɡ mián jī] scutcher
清棉间 [qīnɡ mián jiān] scutching room
染色工 [rǎn sè ɡōnɡ] dyer
染色间 [rǎn sè jiān] dye-house
染整过程 [rǎn zhěnɡ ɡuò chénɡ] dyeing and finishing processes
热定形 [rè dìnɡ xínɡ] heat setting
人造短纤维 [rén zào duǎn xiān wéi] staple fibre
人造革 [rén zào ɡé] artificial leather
人造毛 [rén zào máo] artificial wool
人造棉 [rén zào mián] artificial cotton
人造丝 [rén zào sī] artificial silk; rayon
人造丝织物 [rén zào sī zhī wù] rayon fabrics
人造纤维 [rén zào xiān wéi] artificial fibre
人字呢 [rén zì ne] herringbone
溶液纺丝 [rónɡ yè fǎnɡ sī] solvent spinning
绒布 [rónɡ bù] flannelette
绒线刺绣 [rónɡ xiàn cì xiù] crewel work
乳液纺丝 [rǔ yè fǎnɡ sī] emulsion spinning
桑蚕丝 [sānɡ cán sī] mulberry silk
缫丝 [sāo sī] silk reeling
缫丝厂 [sāo sī chǎnɡ] silk filature mill
缫丝机 [sāo sī jī] filature; reeling frame
色斑 [sè bān] colors staining
色泽牢固 [sè zé láo ɡù] fast colors
纱线拉力试验器 [shā xiàn lā lì shì yàn qì] yarn tensile strength tester
纱支数 [shā zhī shù] count
上浆 [shànɡ jiānɡ] sizing; starching
上蜡机 [shànɡ là jī] waxing machine
烧毛机 [shāo máo jī] singeing machine
伸张 [shēn zhānɡ] stretch
生丝 [shēnɡ sī] raw silk
石蜡 [shí là] paraffin wax
手帕亚麻纱 [shǒu pà yà má shā] linen cambric
梳毛 [shū máo] carding
梳棉机 [shū mián jī] carding machine
梳棉间 [shū mián jiān] carding room
刷布机 [shuā bù jī] brushing machine
双面卡 [shuānɡ miàn kǎ] reversible khaki
双氧水煮漂联合机 [shuānɡ yǎnɡ shuǐ zhǔ piǎo lián hé jī] hydroperoxide continuous bleaching range
丝饼纺丝 [sī bǐnɡ fǎnɡ sī] cake spinning
丝纺 [sī fǎnɡ] silk spinning
丝光 [sī ɡuānɡ] mercerizing
丝束 [sī shù] tow
丝织机 [sī zhī jī] silk loom
丝织物 [sī zhī wù] silk fabrics
素色 [sù sè] plain
缩小机 [suō xiǎo jī] pantograph
索绪 [suǒ xù] cocoon brushing
塔夫绸 [tǎ fū chóu] taffeta
泰西缎 [tài xī duàn] cotton venetians
提花床单布 [tí huā chuánɡ dān bù] broche quilts
提花丝织物 [tí huā sī zhī wù] figured silk
提花织物 [tí huā zhī wù] jacquard
天然染料 [tiān rán rǎn liào] natural dyes
添绪 [tiān xù] feeding
条卷机 [tiáo juǎn jī] sliver lap machine
贴花刺绣 [tiē huā cì xiù] applique embroidery
筒管 [tǒnɡ ɡuǎn] bobbin
筒管纺丝 [tǒnɡ ɡuǎn fǎnɡ sī] spool spinning
筒子车 [tǒnɡ zi chē] spooler
透气性 [tòu qì xìnɡ] porosity; permeability
褪色 [tuì sè] discolouration; fade
脱籽 [tuō zǐ] deseeding
网眼织物 [wǎnɡ yǎn zhī wù] mesh fabric
维尼龙 [wéi ní lónɡ] vinylon
维尼龙厂 [wéi ní lónɡ chǎnɡ] vinylon plant
纬纱 [wěi shā] weft; filling yarn
蚊账纱 [wén zhànɡ shā] mosquito netting
无纺织物 [wú fǎnɡ zhī wù] bondedfibre fabric
无粮上浆 [wú liánɡ shànɡ jiānɡ] non-grain sizing
无梭织机 [wú suō zhī jī] shuttleless loom
洗布机 [xǐ bù jī] cloth washing machine
洗毛 [xǐ máo] wool washing; scouring
洗毛机 [xǐ máo jī] wool washing/scouring machine
细毛 [xì máo] fine wool
细纱锭 [xì shā dìnɡ] ring spindle
细纱机 [xì shā jī] spinning frame
细纱间 [xì shā jiān] spinning department
细支纱 [xì zhī shā] fine count yarn
夏布 [xià bù] grass cloth
纤维束 [xiān wéi shù] tow
橡胶防雨布 [xiànɡ jiāo fánɡ yǔ bù] mackintosh cloth
斜纹布 [xié wén bù] drills
绣花纱罗 [xiù huā shā luó] embroidered gauze
绣花织物 [xiù huā zhī wù] embroidered fabric
选茧 [xuǎn jiǎn] sorting out defective cocoons
选毛 [xuǎn máo] wool sorting
压光 [yā ɡuānɡ] calendering
亚麻 [yà má] flax
亚麻布 [yà má bù] linen (cloth)
亚麻帆布 [yà má fān bù] linen canvas
亚麻纺织厂 [yà má fǎnɡ zhī chǎnɡ] linen mill
亚麻格子布 [yà má ɡé zi bù] linen checks
亚麻浸渍 [yà má jìn zì] flax-retting
亚麻精纺机 [yà má jīnɡ fǎnɡ jī] flax spinning machine
亚麻软麻工艺 [yà má ruǎn má ɡōnɡ yì] bruising
亚麻纱 [yà má shā] linen yarn
亚麻原料加工厂 [yà má yuán liào jiā ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] flax-processing factory
亚麻织机 [yà má zhī jī] linen loom
颜色太淡 [yán sè tài dàn] too quiet
颜色太鲜 [yán sè tài xiān] too loud
颜色太艳 [yán sè tài yàn] too gay
验布房 [yàn bù fánɡ] cloth examining room
验布桌 [yàn bù zhuō] cloth examining table
一包纱 [yī bāo shā] a bale of yarn
一根纤维 [yī ɡēn xiān wéi] strand
一股线 [yì ɡǔ xiàn] strand
一匹布 [yī pǐ bù] a bolt of cloth
阴丹士林布 [yīn dān shì lín bù] indanthren cloth
印花 [yìn huā] printing
印花工 [yìn huā ɡōnɡ] printer
印花间 [yìn huā jiān] printing room
印染工业 [yìn rǎn ɡōnɡ yè] printing and dyeing industry
印染一步法 [yìn rǎn yí bù fǎ] printing and dyeing in a single process
羽纱 [yǔ shā] camblet
原棉 [yuán mián] raw cotton
原坯布 [yuán pī bù] grey cloth
轧光 [yà ɡuānɡ] calendering
轧光机 [yà ɡuānɡ jī] calender
轧花机 [yà huā jī] cotton gin
轧棉厂 [yà mián chǎnɡ] cotton ginning factory
轧棉机 [yà mián jī] cotton gin
展锦机 [zhǎn jǐn jī] silk spreader
照相雕刻法 [zhào xiànɡ diāo kè fǎ] photo-engraving method
折布机 [zhé bù jī] cloth folding machine
针织 [zhēn zhī] knitting
针织机 [zhēn zhī jī] knitting machine
针织品 [zhēn zhī pǐn] knitwear
针织物 [zhēn zhī wù] hosiery
针织总厂 [zhēn zhī zǒnɡ chǎnɡ] general knitwear mill
整经 [zhěnɡ jīnɡ] warping
整经工 [zhěnɡ jīnɡ ɡōnɡ] warper
整经机 [zhěnɡ jīnɡ jī] warping machine; warper
整经机筒子架 [zhěnɡ jīnɡ jī tǒnɡ zi jià] warper creel
整经间 [zhěnɡ jīnɡ jiān] beaming shop
正品布 [zhènɡ pǐn bù] faultless cloth
织锦厂 [zhī jǐn chǎnɡ] silk brocade factory
织锦缎 [zhī jǐn duàn] tapestry satin
织物 [zhī wù] textile fabric
织物疵点 [zhī wù cī diǎn] cloth defects
织造 [zhī zào] weaving
织造间 [zhī zào jiān] weaving department
中支纱 [zhōnɡ zhī shā] medium count yarn
轴承锭子 [zhóu chénɡ dìnɡ zi] bearing spindle
绉缎 [zhòu duàn] crepe satin
珠罗纱 [zhū luó shā] bobbin net
苎麻 [zhù má] ramee; ramie
自调定形机 [zì tiáo dìnɡ xínɡ jī] auto-setter
自动堆布机 [zì dònɡ duī bù jī] heaping machine
自动换梭织机 [zì dònɡ huàn suō zhī jī] automatic shuttle-change loom
自动混棉机 [zì dònɡ hùn mián jī] automatic blender
自动接经机 [zì dònɡ jiē jīnɡ jī] automatic warp tying machine
自动罗纹机 [zì dònɡ luó wén jī] automatic rib knitting machine
自动扫皮棍刷子 [zì dònɡ sǎo pí ɡùn shuā zi] automatic brush for roller cleaning
自动筒管调换 [zì dònɡ tǒnɡ ɡuǎn diào huàn] automatic bobbin exchange
自动喂棉机 [zì dònɡ wèi mián jī] bale plucker
自动织机 [zì dònɡ zhī jī] automatic loom
走道 [zǒu dào] aisle; alley
走样 [zǒu yànɡ] deformation
柞蚕丝 [zuò cán sī] tussah silk





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