纹(紋)wén (花纹; 纹缕儿) lines; veins; grain: 波 ~ ripples; 皱 ~ wrinkles; 裂 ~ crack; fissures; 掌 ~ lines; 细 ~ 木 fine-grained wood 另见 see also wèn。 ◆纹板 {纺} card; figure sheet; pattern card; 纹理 vein; lines; stripes; grain; graining; varvity; texture; 纹路儿 lines; grain; 纹皮 calf; 纹身(法) tattooing; 纹丝不动 not to turn a hair; It won't budge an inch.; keeping one's body unmoved; Not a wrinkle was touched.; not the slightest stir; not to move a muscle; not to stir an eyelid; 纹石斑鱼 hamlet; 纹银 fine silver; 纹影 schlieren; streak
纹(紋)wèn (器具上的裂缝隙) crack fissure 另见 see also wén。 纹wén❶stricture of vagina; colpostenosis ❷stripe |