[书] ❶ (纶巾) a kind of silk kerchief formerly worn by men ❷ (海草名) name of sea grass;kelp 另见 see also lún。 ◆纶巾 [书] silk head dress resembling ridged roof (for man);black silk ribbon scarf
❶ (青丝带子) black silk ribbon; silk tassel ❷ (钓鱼用的丝线) fishing line: 垂 ~ let down the line in fishing ❸ (指某些合成纤维) synthetic fibre: 锦 ~ polyamide fibre; 涤 ~ polyester fibre ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 直 Lun Zhi 另见 see also ɡuān。 ◆纶音佛语 the imperial edict and the Buddha's sayings; (as if it were a matter of) an imperial edict or a command of Buddha; 纶制 {纺} American run; run system