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单词 纲举目张

纲举目张gāng jǔ mù zhāng

once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up,all its meshes open—once the key link is grasped everything falls into its place;when the general plan is laid out,the details are easy to arrange
❍ 有句古语,“~”。拿起纲,目才能张,纲就是主题。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—120) As an old saying goes,“Once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up,all its meshes open.” It is only by taking hold of the key link that everything else will fall into its proper place.The key link means the main theme.

纲举目张gang ju mu zhang

once you pull up the head rope of a fishing net,all its meshes open—once you get hold of the key link,everything falls into place


once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up,all its meshes open—once you seize hold of the key link,everything falls into place.

纲举目张ɡānɡ jǔ mù zhānɡ

纲:鱼网上的总绳,比喻事物的总要部分;目:网上的眼,比喻事物的从属部分。比喻抓住事物的主要部分就可以带动一切;也比喻条理分明。once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up, all its meshes open; When the general plan is laid out, the details are easy to arrange.





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