单词 | sketch |
释义 | sketch/sket⨜/ n [-es/ ɪz/];v [-es/ ɪz/] n (1)速写,素描,草图(rough drawing,painting or plan)[C]:draw (make) a~of a view/a person 画风景/人物素描;make a rough~of a harbour 绘制海港草图;I took several~es on the way. 我在途中作了几幅素描。a pen-and-ink~钢笔素描;a silhouette~侧面速写;a~in black and white 黑白素描; (2)概略,梗概(short written or spoken account without details)[C]:give sb a~of one's plan 向某人概述自己的计划;a biographical~传略;a brief (short)~of sb's career/one's life 生平简介;a character~人物简评;a concise historical~of the progress of science 科学发展简史; (3)滑稽短剧,短文,小品文(short comic play;short piece of writing)[C]:The actors amused the audience with several impromptu~es. 演员们即兴表演了几个滑稽短剧,使观众感到很有趣。write a funny~about English food 写一篇关于英国食品的有趣短文;write satirical~es for a magazine 为一家杂志写讽刺小品文;a travel~旅行随笔; v(1)作素描(速写),写生(make rough drawings,paintings,etc)[I,T+n]:She~es purely as a hobby. 她写生纯粹是一种业余爱好。She likes to~in the park. 她喜欢在公园里写生。~directly from nature instead of from books 直接从大自然写生,而不是从画本上临摹;He~ed the mountains many times before making a painting of them. 他先对群山作过多次速写,然后才开始创作油画。 (2)概述,草拟(describe or plan without completing the details)[T+n]:~the history of the university 概述这所大学的历史;The historical article~ed the major events of the decade. 那篇关于历史的文章概述了这10年的重大事件。~(out) a plan 草拟一份计划; sketch in (v adv)粗略地添加,简略地补充(vt):The artist has~ed in a few trees to show what the new building will look like in its natural surroundings. 画家粗略地添加了几棵树,以显示新建筑物在其自然环境中会是什么样子。 sketch out (v adv)概述(vt):Let me~out what I have in mind. 我来简单叙述一下我心里想的是什么。 →′sketcher n 画略图者,作素描者;′sketchy adj 大概的,粗略的;′sketchily adv 大概地,粗略地;′sketch-book n 速写(素描)簿,短文集;′sketch-pad n 速写(素描)簿;′sketch-map n 略图,示意图 |
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