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(拉船用的绳子) a rope for tow ̄ing a boat; towline; towrope: 拉 ~ track (a boat)
另见 see also xiān。
◆纤夫 boat tracker; 纤路 towpath; towing path; track road; 纤绳 towline; towrope; 纤手 estate agent; real estate broker; go-between


(细小) fine; minute: ~ 微 fine; tiny; minute
另见 see also qiàn。
◆纤尘 fine dust; 纤尘不染 be spotlessly clean; maintain one's original pure character; maintain one's personal integrity; 纤疵不较 Slight errors deserve no attention.; 纤度 {纺} fibre number; size; fineness; titre; 纤沸石 gon ̄ nardite; 纤毫 extremely minute or tiny things or parts of things; 纤芥之疾 a small calamity [problem; trouble] of no importance; slight defect [shortcoming] of little importance; 纤巧 dainty; delicate; fine; 纤巧别致 delicate and particular; 纤弱 slim and fragile; delicate; 纤丝 fibril; fibrilla; fibrils; filament; 纤铁矿 lepidocrocite; lepidocrokite; lepidorcrocite; pyrosiderite; pyrrhosider ̄ ite; 纤维 fibre; staple; filamentary





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