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单词 sit
sit/sɪt/ v [-tt-;satsat/sæt/]

(1)坐,(使)就坐((cause to) rest on the buttocks or be seated)[II+prepI+adv (down),T+nT+n+adv(down)]:~quietly/still 默不作声/静止不动地坐着;~cross-legged 两腿交叉地坐着;He was~ting there by himself. 他独自一人在那儿坐着。~astride one's father's leg 骑坐在父亲的腿上;~at a table/beside sb or sth/by the fireplace/in an armchair/on a bench/under a tree 坐在桌旁/某人或某物旁边/壁炉旁/扶手椅里/长凳上/树下;~alone in one's study/out in the garden/down/up 独自坐在书房里/坐在外面的花园里/坐下/坐起来;They sat me in a chair and started asking questions. 他们让我坐在椅子上开始提问。~oneself down 坐下;I sat him down and give him a cup of tea. 我请他就座, 然后给他递上一杯茶。~ting duck 易被击中的目标;
 (2)摆好姿势,做模特儿(pose or act as a model in order to have one's portrait painted or photo taken)[II+prep (for)]:She is~ting for a portrait/a photo. 她摆好姿势让人画像/拍照。She quite often~s for that artist. 她常为那位画家当模特儿。
 (3)(鸟)栖息((of birds) rest on anything) [I+prep]:Several sparrows are~ting on the branches/in the tree by the window. 几只麻雀栖息在树枝/窗边的树上。
 (4)孵卵(cover eggs to keep them warm for hatching)[I]:The bird is~ting in the nest. 那只鸟正在窝里孵卵。The hen is~ting on her eggs. 那只母鸡在孵蛋。
 (5)开会(庭)(have a meeting;be in session)[I]:Parliament will~in the autumn. 国会将在秋季开会。The committee~s regularly on Thursday. 委员会每星期四定期开会。The supreme court of this state~s twice a year. 这个州的最高法院每年开庭两次。
 (6)位于,坐落 (be situated or located;lie) [I+prep]:a little village~ting in the hills 坐落在山里的小村庄;The city~s on a hill. 那个城市坐落在山上。The school~s well back from the main street. 学校离大街相当远。The old trunk sat in the attic for years. 那只旧箱子在阁楼里放了好多年了。
 (7)为……的成员(be a member of a committeeetc)[I+prep (on)]:~on a committee/the jury 担任委员会的委员/陪审团的成员;She was the first woman to~on the Senate. 她是参议院的第一位女参议员。
 (8)适合(于)(fit;suit)[I+prep (on)]:That dress~s well/ill on her. 那件衣服她穿起来很/不合身。The jacket~s badly across the shoulders. 那件夹克衫肩部不合适。
 (9)参加考试(take an exam)[I+prep (for),T+n]:~(for) examination 参加考试;~(for) a scholarship/a degree 参加奖学金考试/学位考试;
 (10)提供座位(provide seating room for)[T+n]:The car can~six people comfortably. 那辆汽车能舒舒服服坐下六个人。
 sit at sb's feet 拜某人为师,追随某人:He sat at the feet of Johnson himself. 他师承约翰逊。
 sit in judgement on/over sb 评判:You are in no position to~in judgement on any of us. 你无权对我们中的任何人妄加评论。
 sit on the fence 骑墙,采取观望态度:S~ting on the fence will not do. 采取观望态度是不行的。
 sit on one's hands 什么也不干:We asked Bill for help, but he sat on his hands. 我们请比尔帮忙,可他却袖手旁观。
 sit pretty 处境幸运(infml):The new library is~ting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of books. 这家新图书馆真幸运,因为一位富婆捐赠了一万美元的图书。
 sit tight 1)不动,不采取行动:The doctor said to~tight until he arrived. 医生说在他到来之前不要动。2)坚持自己的立场:He is still~ting tight with regard to his opinion that the chairman should resign. 他仍坚持自己的意见,认为主席应该辞职。
 sit up and take notice 突然关注起来(发生兴趣),开始刮目相看:George's sudden success made the town~up and take notice. 乔治的突然成功使镇上的人开始对他刮目相看。
 sit about/around (v adv)无所事事 (vi): They seemed to spend most of their time~ting around in bars. 他们好像大部分时间都待在酒吧里无所事事。
 sit back (v adv)舒适地倚坐在椅子上,放松,休息(vi):~back in an armchair 舒适地倚坐在扶手椅上;Now it was all over,we could~back with our feet up. 现在一切都结束了,我们可以跷起脚来好好休息一下。
 sit down under (v adv prep)忍受,逆来顺受(vt)(infml):~down under insults 对侮辱逆来顺受;
 sit in (v adv) 1)静坐示威(vi):There are reports about students~ting in at several universities. 据报道有学生在几所大学里静坐示威。2)参加(vi):We're having a conference and we'd like you to~in. 我们要开个研讨会,想请你参加。
 sit in on (v adv prep)列席,旁听(vt):~in on a meeting/a class 列席会议/旁听课程;
 sit on (v prep) 1)忽视,搁置 (vt)(infml): They sat on my case/my proposal for weeks. 他们把我的案子/提议搁置了几个星期。2)制止某人的不良行为(vt)(infml):That young man is becoming insufferable;he needs to be sat on firmly. 那个年轻人越来越让人无法忍受,得好好管管他了。
 sit out/through (v adv/prep)一直坐到……结束(vt):~out (through) a long speech/a play 耐心听完冗长的讲演/看完演出;
 sit under (v prep)做……的学生(vt):In my youth I had the great honour to~under a very famous teacher. 年轻时我曾有幸成为一位名师的学生。
 sit up (v adv)熬夜(vi):~up all night playing cards 整夜不睡觉打牌;
 sit up with (v adv prep)陪伴(vt):The mother sat up with her sick child all night. 那位母亲整夜陪伴她生病的孩子。
 →′sit-down n 静坐罢工;′sit-in n 静坐示威;′sitting n 坐;开会;坐着供人画像;孵卵;′sitting-room n 起居室;





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