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单词 glass
释义 glass /gla: s US: glass; glass/ n 1 [U] hard, brittle substance (as used in windows), usu transparent: 玻璃: bottles made of ~; 玻璃瓶; a man with a ~ eye. 镶有假眼的人。 2 [C] article made of this substance. 菠南制品。 a ~ drinking vessel or its contents: 玻璃杯; 酒杯; 一杯之量; 杯内之饮料: drink a ~时喝一杯牛奶; have a ~ too much, drink too much alcoholic liquor, be rather drunk. 酒喝得过多。 b (also 亦作 'looking-~) mirror made of ~. 羸子。 c telescope: 望远镜: The sailor looked through his 那船员由望远镜了望。 d barometer: 睛雨表: The ~ is falling. 晴雨表在下降。 e (pl) (rarely 罕 'eye-es) spectacles: (复)眼镜: She can't read without ~es. 不戴眼镜她无法看书。 f (pl) binoculars. (W) 双筒望远镜。( 9) 'magnifying ~ lens on a handle for making writing, etc appear larger. 放大镜。 → the illus at magnet. 参看 magnet 之插图。 3 [Uj vessels and articles made of 玻璃器皿: There's plenty of ~ in the house, plenty of drinking ~es. wine ~es, ~ bowls and dishes, etc. 这房屋内有许多玻璃器皿。 There are many acres of ~ in Jersey, acres covered with ~houses (for growing plants). 在泽西有许多亩的温室。 4 (compounds) (扰合字) '~blower n workman who blows molten ~ to shape it into bottles, etc. 吹制玻璃器者。 ' ~- cutter n workman who cuts designs on ~; tool for cutting 玻璃离切匠; 割切玻璃之器具; 割玻璃刀。 '.house n building with ~ sides and roof (for growing plants); (sl) military prison. 温室; 暖房; (俚)军人监狱。 People who live in -houses shouldn't throw stones, (prov) People with faults shouldn't criticize those of others. (B) 人居温室不可投石(自己有毛病不可批评他人 )o '~ware /-wea(r); -wer/ n [U] articles made of ~. 玻璃器 ' 皿。 i ~-'wool n [U] fine ~ fibres used for filtering and in man-made fibres, 玻璃械; 玻璃纤维。 ' ~- works n pl (with Sing v) factory where ~ is manufactured. (接单数动词)玻璃工厂。匚 I [VP6A, 15B] - (in), fit with ~; glaze: 装以玻璃; 镂以玻璃: a ~ed!-in veranda. 装有玻璃的走廊。 ~ /-fol; -zful/ n as much as a drinking ~ will hold. 一杯去量。 ~y adj (-ier, -iest) like ~ in appearance: 外表像玻砖的: a ~y calm; 平静如镜; (of the sea, etc) smooth and shiny; (指海洋等)平稳如镜的; a ~〉 stare / look / eye, lifeless, expressionless, fixed. 呆滞的凝视(目光,眼神)。




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