系(繫)jì (打结;扣) tie;fasten;do up;button up: 把晾衣服绳 ~ 在树上 fasten a clothesline between two trees; 把衣服扣子 ~ 上button up a jacket;~ 围裙 wear an apron;~ 鞋带 tie shoe laces 另见 see also xì。 ◆系泊 moor;moor a boat; 系船地 marina; 系船浮筒 mooring buoy; 系船索 mooring rope;mooring line; 系船用具 moorings; 系船柱 bollard;dolphin;bitt; 系紧线 stay wire; 系具 cording; 系缆桩 heaving pile; 系链 stay-chain; 系留 moor (a balloon or airship);mooring;makefast; 系锚杆 cat-head; 系绳 tether;stakerope; 系索桩 guy rod; 系弦板 tailpiece
系(Ⅱ❶ ❷ ❸繫)xìⅠ ❶ (系统) system; series: 芳香 ~ aromatic series; 派 ~ faction; 太阳 ~ the solar system; 语 ~ (language) family ❷ (高等学校中按学科所分的教学行政单位) department; faculty: 社会学 ~ the department of sociology; 物理[文学] ~ the physics [literature] department; ~ 主任 head of the department; dean; 大连大学有17个 ~。 There are seventeen departments in Dalian University. ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 益 Xi Yi Ⅱ ❶ (联结; 联系) relate to; bear on; depend on: 维 ~ hold together; maintain; 成败 ~ 于此举 stand or fall by this; 名誉所 ~ have a direct bearing on one's reputation ❷ (牵挂) feel anxious; be concerned: ~ 恋 miss sb. very much; ~ 念 feel concerned about ❸ (拴; 绑) tie; fasten: ~ 马 tether a horse; ~ 牢 fasten up ❹ [书] (是) be: 纯 ~ 试验性质 be purely experimental in character; 其母 ~ 辽宁人。 His mother is a native of Liaoning. 她讲的确 ~ 实情。 What she said is the actual situation. 另见 see also jì。 ◆系鞍带 quarter strap; 系词 {逻} copula; {语} copulative verb; linking verb; 系带 frenulum; habenula; habena (pl. habenae); fraenulum; frenulum; fraenum; frenum; ribbon; tie-tie; {医} vinculum; 系风捕影 chase the wind and clutch at shadows — make groundless accusations; chase at shadows; run after a shadow; speak [act] on hearsay evidence; try to do sth. impossible; 系缚 [书] tie; fasten; 系列 succession; series; bank; set; set family; train; 系列报导 series reporting; 系列产品 series products; 系列片 film series; 系念 [书] be anxious about; worry about; feel concerned about; 系数 {数} coefficient; ratio; modulus; quotient; factor; 系统 system; systematic; 系统安装费 system installation fee; 系统程序 system program; 系统程序库 system library; 系统网络体系 systems network architecture; 系统协调 system coordination; 系统性 systematicness; 系统支持软件 systems support software; 系统综合分析 comprehensive analysis of system; 系于一发 hanging by a hair; very precarious; 系综 {物} assemblage; {统力} ensem ̄ ble |