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单词 糟糠之妻

糟糠之妻zāo kāng zhī qī

a wife who has shared her husband’s hard lot; the wife one married in poverty
❍ 他一当上官就遗弃了自己的~。He deserted his wife who had shared his hard lot as soon as he became an official.

糟糠之妻zao kang zhi qi

wife of one’s “chaff and husks” days


wife of one’s “chaff and husks”days;woman married to a man before he became wealthy;wife who shared her husband’s hard lot
贫贱之交不可忘,~不下堂。One must not forget those who befriended one in poverty and obscrity,nor should one forsake the wife who accompanied one in times of difficulty and hardship.

糟糠之妻zāo kānɡ zhī qī

糟糠:指酒糟和米糠等粗劣的东西。比喻共患难的妻子。a wife who has shared her husband’s hard lot, the wife one married in poverty





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更新时间:2025/3/4 0:54:22