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单词 simple
simple/′sɪmpl/ adj [-r/-st

(1)简单(易,明)的(easy to do or understand):a~problem/task/explanation 简单的问题/简单的任务/简明的解释;a book written in~language/English 用简易文字/简易英语写的书;It was~to do the job/a~job to do. 做那件工作很简单/那是一件容易做的工作。〖同〗 easy;〖反〗complicated,difficult,hard;

(2)简朴的,朴素的(plain;not fancy or showy):lead a very~life 过非常简朴的生活;eat~food and wear~clothing 吃粗茶淡饭,穿朴素的衣服;~but elegant clothes 朴实无华但却高雅的衣服;~style of architecture/writing 朴实的建筑风格/文风;I like~, everyday objects. 我喜欢简朴的日常物品。

(3)单一的,简单的(having or composed of a single part or unit)[通常作attrib][无comp]:a~leaf 单叶;a~tool/toy 简单的工具/玩具;a~sentence 简单句;The matter is not as~as you think. 这件事不像你想得那么简单。~equation 一次方程式;~fracture 单纯性骨折;~interest 单利;~machine 简单机械;〖反〗complex,compound,involved;

(4)天真的,坦率的(natural;sincere;frank):as~as a child 像孩子一样天真;a~,honest answer 坦率诚实的回答;behave in a~, open way 行为直率;a pleasant and~smile 快乐天真的微笑;a girl with a~heart 心地纯真的女孩;〖同〗inexperienced,naive;〖反〗experienced;

(5)普通的(ordinary):a~soldier 普通士兵;His parents are~peasants. 他的父母是普通农民。

(6)单纯的,易受骗的(trusting and easily cheated):She is too~to see through his lies. 她太单纯了,看不透他的谎言。I'm not so~as to believe all that! 我还不至于那么单纯,竟相信那一套!

(7)纯粹的,不折不扣的(pure;mere)[作attrib][无comp]:a~fact 纯粹的事实;the~truth 不折不扣的事实真相;Such an act is~madness. 这种行为纯粹是发疯。

(8)头脑简单的,蠢笨的(weak in mind;foolish)(infml):I am afraid she is a bit~. 恐怕她头脑有点简单。He's a rather~boy. 他是个很笨的男孩。

→͵simple-′hearted adj 心地纯洁的,天真无邪的;͵simple-′mined adj 头脑简单的,笨的;sim′plicity n 简单(易,明);朴素;坦率,天真;单纯;sim′plistic adj 过分简化的;′simplify vt;′simply adv;






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