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单词 精疲力竭

精疲力竭精疲力尽;筋疲力尽jīng pí lì jié

absolutely(/completely/utterly) exhausted; be dead beat; be spent; be dog-tired; be (utterly) worn out (/tired)
❍ 这种办法叫“蘑菇”战术,将敌磨得~,然后消灭之。(《毛泽东选集》1118) This may be called the tactics of “wear and tear”,that is,of wearing the enemy down to complete exhaustion and then wiping him out.
❍ 特务、警察直折腾了大半夜,弄得精疲力尽,一个个溜出去过烟瘾去了。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》20)Having been busy all night,the special agents and police were all dog-tired. One after another they slipped away to the opium dens.
❍ 他们已经和恶浪搏斗了一个多钟头,~,连桨都无力划动了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》44) Battling with the raging waves for over an hour had drained them of their last ounce of strength,so that they could no longer row.
❍ 到下午,老百姓都跑得~了。(知侠《铁道游击队》524) Towards late afternoon the refugees were exhausted.

精疲力竭精(筋);竭(尽)jīnɡ pí lì jié

形容非常疲惫。out on one’s feet, burn oneself out, exhausted, be worn out, feel run down, dead on one’s feet, dead beat, be dead tired





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