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单词 silver
silver/′sɪlvǝ(r)/ n adj [无comp];v

n (1)银(shining whiteprecious metallic elementused for coinsjewelryspoonsdishesetc)[U]:The tray was made of solid~. 那个托盘是纯银制作的。fine/pure/refined~纯银;native/sterling~天然银/标准纯银(纯度为92.5%);a statue in~银像;a~mine 银矿;born with aspoon in one's mouth 生在富贵人家;

(2)银币(coins made of silver or metal alloy used instead of it)[U]:He pulled a handful of~from his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一把银币。Two ten-pound notes,one five-pound note and five pounds in~. 两张十镑的纸币,一张五镑的纸币和一枚五镑的银币。change paper money into~把纸币兑换成银币;

(3)银餐具(器)(table or other household articles made of or plated with silver)[U]:table~银餐具;clean the~把银器擦干净;rub the~bright 擦亮银器;Burglars stole all our~. 盗贼把我们所有的银器都偷走了。sell one's (family)~to pay the mortgage interest 出售(家里的)银器以偿付抵押贷款的利息;

the silver screen 电影(界),银幕:a star of the~screen 一位电影明星;

adj (1)银(制,质)的(made of or plated with silver):a~dish/brooch/bell 银盘子/银饰针/银铃;a~coin/medal 银币/银质奖章;a beautiful~coffee pot 一把漂亮的银咖啡壶;Is your bracelet~? 你的手镯是银的吗?

(2)银(白)色的(having grey-white colour like silver):an old woman with~hair 银发老太太;~paint 银白色油漆;a~car/dress 银白色汽车/衣服;a~fox 一只银狐;the~moon 皓月;~birch 白桦;a~carp 白鲢;~foil 银箔;~paper 锡纸;

(3)清脆的(having a bell-like sound):~tones/sounds 银铃般的音调/声音;

(4)能言善辩的(eloquent;persuasive):a~tongue 伶牙俐齿;

(5)25周年的(of 25th anniversary):They celebrated their~wedding(anniversary)last month. 上个月他们庆祝了银婚纪念日。Queen Elizabeth II's~jubilee occurred in 1977. 1977年举行了女王伊丽莎白二世登基25周年庆典。

v(1)镀银于(cover or coat with silver)[T+n]:~metal to make ornaments 在金属上镀银制作饰品;~a mirror 镀银制镜;

(2)(使)成银白色((cause to) become the colour of silver)[T+nI]:The water of the lake was~ed by the moon.湖水在月光下呈银白色。The snow~ed the trees. 雪使树木披上银装。 The years~ed his hair. 岁月使他的头发变白。The old man's hair has~ed. 这老先生的头发已是银白色了。

→͵silver-′plated adj 镀银的;′silversmith n 银匠;͵silver-′tongued adj 能言善辩的;′silverware n 银器;′silvery adj 似银的,银色的;清脆的





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