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单词 粗茶淡饭

粗茶淡饭淡饭粗茶cū chá dàn fàn

coarse food and weak tea—a simple diet; homely (/ordinary/simple/plain/poor) fare; (just) bread and water (/cheese); poor meals
❍ 咱们这穷乡土圪, 除过土房小炕, ~, 再有啥呀! (王汶石《风雪之夜》60) What did he expect to have in this poor place but a mud hut,a small kang coarse food and weak tea?只要给我一碗~,糊到眼一闭脚一伸就算了。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—462) But I shall be content so long as I can get enough to keep body and soul together until my time comes.
❍ 为了求学,为了学校“赐给”的两餐~,他们饮泣吞声,忍受了四年的奴隶生活。(杨沫《青春之歌》596) For the sake of an education and the two poor meals a day which the university offered,they had to swallow their bitterness and put up with the life of slaves for four years.

粗茶淡饭cu cha dan fan

plain tea and simple food


simple diet

粗茶淡饭cū chá dàn fàn

普通的饮食。比喻生活简朴。plain tea and simple food, simple fare, poor meals, coarse food, a simple diet





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:44:00