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单词 粉身碎骨

粉身碎骨粉骨碎身fěn shēn suì gǔ

sb be blown (/crushed/dashed/hacked/smashed) to pieces (/bits/pulp/dust/smithereens); die the most cruel death; have one’s body smashed to pieces
❍ 眼看着这巨大的炸弹,好像立刻就要爆炸,我立刻就要~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》166) The feeling came over me that the huge bomb was on the verge of exploding. I had a vision of myself being blown to pieces,…/任凭敌人多少兵力,也拦它不住,谁敢撞它一下,就会叫他~。(知侠《铁道游击队》174) No matter how many troops the enemy might have,he could not halt the train. Whoever dared to touch it would be crushed to pulp.
❍ 早早的留下东西,放你过去;若道半个“不” 字,教你碎尸粉骨! (《西游记》190) Leave your belongings at once,and you will be allowed to pass. If you but utter half a no,you’ll be chopped to pieces!/“……要是上头知道了,我们这些人就要~了!”说着便嚎啕大哭起来。(《红楼梦》1228)“…but if this comes to the mistresses’ ears it’ll be the death of us!” She broke down and sobbed.
❍ 若不下马受降,着你粉骨碎身!(《水浒全传》805) If you will not come down from that horse of yours and suffer yourself to be bound then will I make your bones into powder and your flesh into dust!/俺不免来此,到那厮跟前,痛骂一场,出了这口愤气。便~,也说不得了。(洪昇《长生殿》)I shall take this opportunity to give him a good cursing to vent my indignation. Even if I am torn limb from limb,it will be worth it.
❍ 这一跃能不能成功呢?如果不成功再荡回来,自己根本无法驾驶自己这个‘自由荡体’,必然会触碰悬岩,而使自己~; ……(曲波《林海雪原》108) Could he make it? If he didn’t reach the tree,the rope on its backswing would dash him against the cliff and crack every bone in his body.…


dying the most cruel death;having one's body smashed to pieces


have one’s body smashed to pieces and one’s bones ground to powder; die the most cruel death

粉身碎骨fěn shēn suì ɡǔ

身体粉碎。比喻为了某种信仰而献出自己的生命。die the most cruel death, have one’s body smashed to pieces, be crushed to powder





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