释义 |
米mǐⅠ ❶ (稻米) rice: 白 ~ (polished) rice; 糯 ~ polished glutinous rice ❷ (泛指去壳或皮的可吃的种子) shelled or husked seed: 小 ~ spiked millet; foxtail millet; 花生 ~ peanut seed; peanut kernel ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宏 Mi Hong Ⅱ (公制长度的主单位) metre ◆米波 {无} metre wave; metric wave; 米尺 meterstick; metre rule; metre scale; metric scale; 米饭 (cooked) rice; 米粉 ground rice; rice flour; rice-flour noodles; 米泔水 water in which rice has been washed, used for processing drugs; 米糕 rice cake; rice pudding; 米黄 cream-coloured; 米酒 rice wine; 米糠 tikitiki; perpolitiones oryzae; rice polishings; rice bran; 米兰 Milan; 米老鼠 Mickey Mouse; 米粒 rice grains; {天} granule; 米粮川 rich rice-producing area; 米色 cream-coloured; buff; 米汤 water in which rice has been cooked; rice- water; thin rice or millet gruel; rice water; 米象 {动} rice weevil; sitophilus oryzae; 米雪 {气} granular snow; snow grains; 米制 {力} metric system; 米粥 congee; rice gruel; 米珠薪桂 Rice is as precious as pearls and firewood as costly as cassia. — exorbitantly high cost of living; high cost of living; Rice is like pearls and fuel as cinnamon — a year of famine.; Rice and fuel are expensive.; 米烛光 metre candle; lux |