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单词 箪食壶浆

箪食壶浆dān sì hú jiāng

welcome (an army) with food and drink
❍ 时操引得胜之兵,阵列于河上,有土人~以迎之。(《三国演义》273) When Cao Cao drew up his victorious army on the banks of the Yellow River,a certain aged native brought an offering of food and sauce to bid him welcome.
❍ ~,以迎王师。(《孟子·梁惠王下》) …and the people brought baskets of rice and vessels of congee to meet Your Majesty’s host.
❍ 这几天的电讯,指明这些少数民族是怎样地~以迎红军,把红军看做他们的救星; ……(《毛泽东选集》561) The news dispatches of the last few days show how warmly these minority nationalities are welcoming the Red Army with food and drink as their liberator,.…


welcome (an army) with food and drink

箪食壶浆dān sì hú jiānɡ

箪:过去盛饭的圆形竹器。古时候老百姓用箪盛了饭,用壶盛了汤来欢迎其所拥护的军队。现用以指军队受欢迎的情形。welcome with food and drink, bring an offering of food and sauce to welcome, with food and drink





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