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(简单) simple;simplified;brief: 从 ~ conform to the principle of simplicity;~ 而言之 in brief;in short;put it in a nutshell;
言 ~ 意赅 concise and comprehensive;compendious;A few simple remarks succinctly expressed one's ideas. Ⅱ ❶ (使简单;简化) simplify: 精兵 ~ 政 better troops [staff] and simpler administration;streamlined administration
❷ [书] (选择人才) select;choose: ~ 拔 select and promote Ⅲ ❶ (古代用来写字的竹片) bamboo slips (used for writing on in ancient times): 木 ~ inscribed wooden slip
❷ (信件) letter: 书 ~ letters;correspondence
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 师父 Jian Shifu
◆简报 bulletin;brief report;
简本 abridged edition;
简编 short course;concise edition;abridged edition;lexicon;
简便 simple and convenient;handy;
简并 {物} degeneracy;degeneration;degenerate;
简称 the abbreviated form of a name;abbreviation;shorter form;be called sth. for short;
简乘(法) abridged multiplication;contracted multiplication;short-cut multiplication;
简除(法) contracted division;
简单 simple;uncomplicated;plain;simplicity;
简单随机抽样 simple random sampling;
简单粗暴 simple and crude;in an oversimplified and crude way;
简单化 oversimplify;over- simplication;simplify matters;
简单明了 simple and clear;concise and explicit;put in a nutshell;brief and clear;(One's language) is terse and perspicuous.;
简单易行 simple and easy to do [apply];simple and practicable;
简短 brief;short;
简短扼要 brief and to the point;
简而言之 make a long story short;briefly speaking;for shortness' sake;in a few words;in a nutshell;in brief;in short;to put it in a nutshell;to sum up;
简分数 common fraction;single fraction简化 simplify;facilitate;idealization;simplification;reducing;simplifying;{自} reduction;shortcutting;
简化汉字 simplify Chinese characters;simplified Chinese characters;
简记法 abridged notation;
简捷[截] simple and direct;forthright;
简洁 succinct;terse;pithy;concise;
简洁易懂 concise and easy to understand;
简介 brief introduction;synopsis;summarized account;
简括 brief but comprehensive;compendious;briefly;compendiously;
简历 biographical notes.;
简练 terse;succinct;pithy;
简练揣摩 select and examine thoroughly;
简陋 simple and crude;
简略 simple (in content);brief;sketchy;abbreviate;
简码 brevity code;
简明 simple and clear;concise;
简明扼要 be concise and to the point;brief [short] and to the point;terse and concise;
简明易懂 clear and easy to understand;
简朴 simple and unadorned;plain;
简谱 {音} numbered musical notation;
简式 skeleton symbol;
简述 resume;sketch;
简缩 simplify;
简体字 simplified Chinese character;
简图 abbreviated drawing;diagram;diagrammatic sketch;sketch;sketch drawing;schematic diagram;block-diagram;simplified schematic;
简谐波 {物} simple harmonic wave;
简谐运动 {物} SHM (simple harmonic motion);simple periodic motion;
简谐振动 simple harmonic oscillation;simple harmonic vibration;
简谐振子 {物} simple harmonic oscillator;
简写 write a Chinese character in simplified form;simplify a book for beginners;
简讯 news in brief简言之 briefly;in short;in a word;in brevi [拉];in brief;in sum;in a few words;take [taking] it all in all;in a nutshell;sum up;make a long story short;the long and the short of it;in fine;in the lump;
简要 concise and to the point;brief;
简仪 {天} abridged armilla;
简易 simple and easy;
简应变 {物} simple strain;
简应力 {物} simple stres;
简约 brief;concise;sketchy;
简章 general regulations;
简正 normal;
简正波理论 normal mode theory;
简政放权 streamline;
简支 simply support;
简直 simply;at all;virtually;
简直胡闹 This is an awful mess!;Sheer foolishness!简擢贤才 select and promote a person with preeminent ability


bamboo slips (used for writing on in ancient times)





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