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单词 筑室道谋

筑室道谋zhù shì dào móu

ask every passer-by how to build one’s house—have no idea or plan of one's own and accomplish nothing
❍ 如彼筑室于道谋,是用不溃于成。(《诗经·小雅·小旻》) ❶Builders,they ask each passer-by,|And leave their work undone at last:
❷They are like one taking counsel with way farers about building a house,|Which will conse quently never come to completion.

筑室道谋zhù shì dào móu

筑室:盖房子;道:过路人。自己想造房子,在路上同过路人商量。比喻人多嘴杂,莫衷一是,不能成事。have no idea or plan of one’s own and accomplish nothing, ask every passer by now to build one’s house, A house built by the wayside is either too high or too low.





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更新时间:2025/2/1 1:06:01