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单词 筋疲力尽

筋疲力尽筋疲力竭jīn pí lì jìn

all in; at the end of one’s strength (/row); be dead-beat; be dead tired; be done to the wide; be done up; be fagged out; be overcome by fatigue; be tired out;be used up; be washed up (/out); dog-tired; effete;in a state of exhaustion; out-spent; played out; run down; spend oneself; utterly exhausted; weary;worn-out
❍ 舢板靠近了这个已经~的土匪,他像见了救星一样向舢板扑过来。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》57) We drew up to the man. He was obviously at the end of his strength and thought we had come to his rescue.
❍ 大家都已经~,叹着苦,但这时总还算有闲的,所以也谈闲天。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—79) All tired out and full of complaints,at least they are free at last and so they talk freely.
❍ 马只能认着白色的田滕走,而且早已筋疲力竭,自然走得更慢了。(鲁迅《故事新编·奔月》24) The horse picked its way along the white ridges between the fields,so weary that its pace was slower than ever.

筋疲力尽jīn pí lì jìn

筋:筋骨;疲:疲劳;力:力气。形容非常疲劳。exhausted, all in, tired out, worn out, be quite death, at the end of one’s rope crow, be beaten out





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