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单词 等闲视之

等闲视之děng xián shì zhī

look upon sth as of no importance; make light of; make (/think)nothing of;neglect; regard as inconsequential (/unimportant); regard sth as a light matter; take it lightly;treat (/regard) sth casually (/lightly)
❍ 但是确实存在着这种典型,而且为数相当地多,为害相当地大,不可~的。(《毛泽东选集》757) However,people of this type do exist;what is more,there are quite a few of them,and they cause a great deal of harm.This matter should not be treated lightly.
❍ 连他总统也不能~! (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》86) Even that president of theirs can’t flout them.
❍ 关于这一点,我现在向你提出严重的警告,请你不要~。(《毛泽东选集》1043) I am now giving you a serious warning on this matter,and I ask you not to treat this warning casually.

等闲视之děnɡ xián shì zhī

等闲:平常、一般;视:看作。把它看成平常的事,不加重视。treat casually, take sth. lightly, regard sth. as inconsequential, make light of, neglect, regard as of no importance





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