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单词 garden
释义 garden /'gadn; 'gardn/ n 1 [C, U] (piece of) ground used for growing flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc: 花园; 果园; 菜园: a kitchen for vegetables; 菜园; a market ~, for vegetables, fruit and flowers for sale in public markets; 供应市场蔬菜,水果和花的农圃; (attrib) (形容用法) a ~ wall; 花园之墙; ~ flowers/plants. 画中的花(植物)。 We have not much ~ /only a small ~. 我们的花园不大。 lead sb up the ~ path, (colloq) mislead him. (W 使入歧途; 使迷惑。 ~ 'city/'suburb n one laid out with many open spaces, and planted with numerous trees. 7 多空地,种有大量树末之)花园城市(市郊)。 ' ~ party n social gathering held out of. doors on a lawn, in a ~ or park, etc. 园游会。 2 (usu pl) public park: (通常用技数)公园: Kensington G~s, in London; (伦敦之)肯星顿公园; botanical/ zoological ~s. 植物(动物)园。 vi [VP2A] cultivate a ~: 从事园艺; 种植花禾: He's been ~ing all day. 他已做了一整天的园艺工作。 ~er n person who works in a ~, either for pay or as a hobby. 园丁; 花匠; 园艺家。 ~ing n [U] cultivating of ~s: 园艺: fond of ~ing; 爱好园 V; (attrib) (形容用法) ~ing gloves/ tools. 解艺用手套(工具)。




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