释义 |
笔(筆)bǐⅠ ❶ (写字画图的用具) pen;pencil;stylus;writing brush:粉 ~ chalk; 排 ~ multiple brush for painting; 毛 ~ (Chinese) writing brush; 圆珠 ~ ball-point pen ❷ (手法;笔法) technique of writing;calligraphy or drawing:文 ~ style of writing; 妙 ~ 生花 brilliant writing; 伏 ~ hint of later development in story,essay,etc.;foreshadowing ❸ (笔画) stroke;touch:败 ~ a bad stroke; 再添几 ~ add a few touches Ⅱ (用笔写) write:代 ~ write down for sb.;~ 之于书 write it down;write down in black and white Ⅲ (用笔) by writing;of writing:~ 答 written answers in an exam;reply by writing in examination papers Ⅳ ❶ (用于款项等):一 ~ 款 a fund;a sum of money; 两 ~ 帐 two scores; 记下一 ~ 帐 keep an account ❷ (用于书画等):能写一 ~ 好字 can write a good hand; 能画几 ~ can draw pictures; 写信时请替我带上一 ~。 Please give my regards (to sb.) when you write. ◆笔触式汉字字盘 pen touch tablet; 笔底生花 make flowers bloom under one's pen — beautiful writings;have great literary talent;Flowers spring up under one's pen.; 笔调 (of writing) tone;style; 笔伐 attack in writing;chastise [punish] one with the pen;condemn in writing; 笔法浑遒 The strokes are bold and fluid.; 笔飞墨舞 The pen flies and the ink dances.;write quickly; 笔锋 the tip of a writing brush;vigour of style in writing;forcefulness of a writing;sharpness of style;stroke;touch; 笔杆子 the shaft of a pen or writing brush;pen-holder;pen;a facile writer;a literary spokesman;an effective writer; 笔耕 make a living by writing; 笔痕 pen touch; 笔画[划] strokes of a Chinese character;number of strokes (in a character); 笔划 stroke; 笔会 (International) Association of Poets,Playwrights,Editors,Essayists and Novelists (P.E.N.); 笔迹 a person's handwriting;chirography;hand; 笔记 (用笔做记录) take down (in writing);(做的记录) notes;(一种文学的体裁) a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches; 笔记本电脑 notebook computer ;笔尖 nib;pen point;the tip of a writing brush or pencil; 笔剑唇枪 The pen is as sharp as the sword and the tongue as the spear.; 笔据 written pledge;note on writing useful as legal proof; 笔力 vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing;vigour of style in literary composition; 笔力遒劲 write with firm strokes;Every stroke of the characters is boldly and forcefully laid [written].;One's strokes are firm,solid and strong.;The stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous.; 笔录 put down (in writing);take down;notes;record; 笔帽 cap of a pen [pencil];笔名 pen name;pseudonym; 笔墨 pen and ink;words;articles;writing; 笔墨官司 written polemics [controversy];a battle of words;controversy in writing;paper arguments;paper polemics;the battle of the books [words];笔墨难罄 hard to describe by pen and ink;beyond description; 笔墨为生 subsist [live] by one's pen — a writer's occupation;earn one's livelihood by writing;make a living with one's pen; 笔如利刃 One's pen is as keen and powerful as a sword.; 笔石 (古无脊椎动物) graptolite; 笔试 written examination;have or give a written examination [test];笔顺 order of strokes (observed in calligraphy); 笔算 do a sum in writing;written calculation;manual computation;calculation by writing; 笔谈 conversation by writing;confer in writing;talk on paper;make a written speech;sketches and notes; 笔套 cap of a pen,pencil or writing brush;sheath of a pen (made of cloth,silk or thread); 笔挺 (standing) very straight;straight as a ramrod;bolt upright;well-ironed;trim; 笔筒 pen container;brush pot;tubular penrack; 笔头(儿) nib;pen point;ability to write;writing skill;written;in written form; 笔误 slip of the pen;clerical error;mistake in writing; 笔下留情 be merciful in writing;forbear in making critical remarks (not to hurt feelings);refrain from abusing one by writing;spare sb. in making critical attacks; 笔心[芯] pencil lead;refill (for a ball-point pen); 笔译 written translation;translate (in writing); 笔友 penfriend; 笔札 writing materials;stationary;handwriting letter; 笔者 author;writer; 笔直 rectitude;perfectly straight;straight as a ramrod;bolt upright |